Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Select a role

This segment of the guide explains how to choose a role when the task needs to be initiated. Role selection is carried out on the page Maintain Tasks per Procedure (604:3002). When the Initiate 1st Task box is checked, the procedure is displayed in the procedures section that the employee with this role can initiate directly from the To Do Dashboard.


  • When the Push box is checked, the employee with this role can assign this task directly from their To Do Dashboard;
  • When the Push box is checked, the employee with this role (a supervisor) can assign this task to another employee;
  • When the Reassign box is checked, the employee with this role (a supervisor) can reassign this task to another employee;
  • When the box Show in Flowchart is checked, the role will be used to generate the procedure diagram. Only one role can be selected for this box.
Step 1 - Go to the Maintain Procedures page
  1. Go to the Procedure Information page;
  2. Click on Maintain Procedures. This opens the page Maintain Procedures (604:2003);

Step 2 - Select a role
  1. Go to the section List Of Procedures;
  2. Find the procedure associated with the task;
  3. Click on the line of the procedure that is the subject of the request (the line becomes grayed and the button Maintain tasks becomes available);
  4. Click on the Maintain tasks button. This action opens the page Maintain Tasks per Procedure (604:3002);

  1. Find the task associated with the role;
  2. Click on the desired line (the line becomes grayed and the button Security becomes available);
  3. Click on Security This opens the page Security (604:7021);

  1. Click on Create. This action opens the Security pop-up window;

  1. Select the Role;
  2. Choose from suggested options;
  3. Click on Create. This action creates the role and refreshes the Security page (604:7021).