Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9501 to 9600

The following table displays error message codes from 9501 to 9600.

Message Code Description
9501 '%1' jobs for '%1' different tax divisions will be created.
9502 Do you want to close the non-individual enterprise %1?
9503 You cannot set main representative to an unactivated representative.
9504 You cannot deactivate a main representative. Please review the End Date.
9505 The chosen enterprise has been closed on %1, so it can not be merged or acquired by %2.
9506 By removing this record, the close date and closing reason information will be removed from the non-individual enterprise screen. Do you want to reopen it?
9507 This %1 does not exist or you do not have update rights on this tax division.
9508 This %1 does not exist or you do not have query rights on this tax division.
9509 You cannot transfer to a tax account of another taxpayer.
9510 This person is already in your dependent.
9511 You can't assign up yourself.
9512 It could have letters that do not work if you change the delimiter.
9513 The delimiter can not be null.
9514 It lacks a delimiter at the end.
9515 The variable %1 is not available and cannot be used.
9516 The number must be greater than zero.
9517 Only the requester can report the file as returned, with its status.
9518 The "Day - Month To" entered is not a valid date.
9519 The % ownership cannot equal 0% or be more than 100%.
9520 A property already exists with the same GIS reference no.
9521 The start date overlaps an existing record for this representative.
9523 You must enter a job no.
9524 You must enter a unit of measure.
9525 The tax division and year must be entred.
9526 The amount must be positive.
9527 You cannot put an amount and a percentage at the same time.
9528 The percentage must be positive.
9529 Only non-individual and individual enterprises can be registered for the VAT.
9530 This collection case includes one or more assessments that are still within their objection period. Do you want to continue?
9531 There is an open payment agreement associated with this collection case. Do you want to continue?
9532 The collection case cannot be closed because an associated lien is currently open.
9533 There is an open objection associated with this collection case. Do you want to continue?
9534 %1 must be equal to or later than %2.
9535 The establishments should be linked to the tax account.
9536 Only positive integers are accepted.
9537 The deceased date can be entered only for individuals.
9538 You can have only one active value.
9539 This individual is deceased. Please choose another individual.
9540 This enterprise is closed. Please choose another enterprise.
9541 This assessment is included in the objection case %1. Do you still want to proceed?
9542 This assessment is included in the collection case %1. Do you still want to proceed?
9543 This assessment is included in the collection case %1 and is part of the payment agreement %2, which will be cancelled because of the objection. Do you still want to proceed?
9544 This collection case has an objected amount and so a payment agreement cannot be calculated.
9545 This collection case has an unresolved objected amount. Do you still want to proceed?
9546 This assessment is included in the collection case %1 and the last day to appeal the assessment was %2. This assessment cannot be added.
9547 The last day to appeal this assessment was %1. Do you still want to proceed?
9548 The last day to appeal this assessment was %1. Only an authorized objection officer can add it to an objection case.
9549 This assessment is within the allowed period for submitting an objection request, which ends on %1. Do you still want to proceed?
9550 The establishment %1 already have an active registration for this tax account, starting on %2.
9551 This collection case has an unresolved objected amount.
9552 %1 must be before %2 of an existing period of this form.
9553 %1 must be after %2 of an existing period of this form.
9554 You cannot delete an assessment that is associated with a payment agreement open.
9555 You are not allowed to delete assessments because there is an open payment agreement for this collection case.
9556 This approval position does not exist.
9557 You cannot find a valid certificate for the selected TIN.
9558 You do not have permission to add a date.
9559 Property-part "%1" is already attached to a property.
9560 At Last Record.
9561 The field can only contain numbers.
9562 This approval position has been already used for this transaction.
9563 A refund cannot be registered. this immediate assessment has no TIN associated to it.
9564 This query syntax is correct.
9565 This query syntax is incorrect: %1.
9566 Are you sure you want to create a new version for the tax function? Note that the new version will not be assigned to any form line.
9567 The property is already associated with a tax account.
9568 Invalid value. Payment transactions exist after the selected end date.
9569 One or more VAT accounts for individuals with no active enterprises are active. Please contact the technical support.
9570 You cannot use this rule when the "%1" rule is used.
9571 You cannot create the certificates when VAT Registration module is not used. Please check the configuration in screen "Maintain VAT rules".
9572 You cannot create certificate when VAT Tax Roll module is not used.
9573 This column should be between 'a' and 'ax'.
9574 You have already entered the column %1.
9575 Are you sure you want to create a new version from the preceding one?
9576 Mandatory should be used only in exceptional cases because of impact on data entry.
9577 The VAT Registration module is not used.This screen is not enabled.
9578 Are you sure you want to clear the schedule configuration?
9579 This demand notice has been already printed.
9580 The date cannot be earlier than %1.
9581 Do you want to delete this owner? To change the owner to go to the transfer tab.
9582 This type of representative is already assigned to a taxpayer, you can not change.
9583 The start date for this representative is mandatory.
9584 There exist assessments that have not been calculated for this tax account. Do you really want to close the tax account?
9585 There exist remittance for this tax account. Do you really want to close the tax account?
9586 Either "%1" or "%2" must be selected. You cannot select both at the same time.
9587 Indicate number of days for system to generate letter prior (negative number) or after (positive number) Letter Type, Document Type or Function specified.
9588 You can check this flag, only for certificates.
9589 The selected taxpayer is not a tax agent.
9590 The selected taxpayer is already registered as a tax agent.
9591 The end date must be greater than the date of registration.
9592 This taxpayer is already registered as tax agent.
9593 This taxpayer is already registered with the tax agent.
9594 The registration date must be greater than or equal to the end date of registration.
9595 The date of registration must be greater than or equal to the date of start of employment.
9596 The end date of the registration must be less or equal to the end date of the employment.
9597 The registration date must be less than the end date of employment.
9598 The end date can not be changed.
9599 This client is already associated with the tax agent.
9600 Another tax representative is currently assigned to this taxpayer (tax account) as main representative. Do you wish to set this representative as the main?