Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 4201 to 4300

The following table displays error message codes from 4201 to 4300.

Message Code Description
4201 The result date must be greater than the start date.
4202 The sent date is earlier than the objection entered date.
4203 Incomplete selection criteria.
4204 The taxpayer no. and tax type description are required for this account.
4205 The assessment has no objection/s.
4206 This objection does not exist.
4207 No objection exists with this assessment no.
4208 No objection exists for this tax type.
4209 No objection exists for this tax account.
4210 A reassessment exists for this assessment.
4211 The assessment does not exist.
4212 This tax account no or tax type does not exist.
4213 No assessment with objection/s exists for this taxpayer.
4214 No assessment with objection/s exists for this tax account.
4215 The closed date is required, since the reassessment flag is set.
4216 No objection/s exists with this objection status.
4217 The entered date from is earlier than the entered date to.
4218 The closed date from is earlier than the closed date to.
4219 No tax officer exists with this number.
4220 No objection/s is currently assigned to this tax officer.
4221 The dates are required.
4222 Enter the line no. that the amounts refer to or remove the amounts.
4223 Please use occupation (for an individual) or enterprise activity (for an enterprise).
4224 Please enter the order in which to sort the information on the report.
4225 Invalid enterprise activity. Please re-enter.
4226 Sort on assessment no. - (no amounts to sort on).
4227 The tax type, form no. and tax period must be entered.
4228 At least one of the amount fields must be entered.
4229 The line number does not exist in the form no. entered.
4230 No version number for the form and the period specified have been found.
4231 No form no. for the form specified has been found.
4232 No assessment has been found.
4233 You cannot delete an audit group while a dependent audit case exists.
4234 The audit case screen is already open. Please exit this screen to use.
4235 This audit_level_no does not exist.
4236 This tax_payer_no, taxper_month, taxper_year, first_name or last_name does not exist.
4237 You cannot delete an audit case while a dependent audit officer exists.
4238 The query of an audit case must be in the context of an audit group.
4239 The insertion of an audit case must be in the context of an audit group.
4240 A row already exists with the same audit group no.
4241 The open date must not be greater than the today's date.
4242 The open date is greater than the close date. Please re-enter.
4243 The close date is greater than the current date. Please re-enter.
4244 One audit case exists with a greater completed date. Please re-enter.
4245 You cannot enter a date. There is at least one audit case still open.
4246 This audit level does not exist.
4247 This new assess no. does not exist.
4248 This audit group no. does not exist.
4249 Please enter the taxpayer no. before entering the tax type.
4250 No assessment or enter taxpayer no., tax type and tax period to use list.
4251 No tax periods for taxpayer/taxtype or enter taxpayer no.and tax type to use list.
4252 Please enter the taxpayer no to use the list of values.
4253 This function does not exist.
4254 This tax officer name does not exist.
4255 The query of an audit officer must be in the context of an audit case.
4256 The insertion of an audit officer must be in the context of an audit case.
4257 This tax officer does not exist. Please re-enter.
4258 Invalid function. Please re-enter.
4259 Invalid audit level. Please re-enter.
4260 The start date must be earlier than the assigned date. Please re-enter.
4261 A row already exists with the same audit case no.
4262 A row already exists with the same tax officer no. or audit case no.
4263 Warning - this assessment has already been audited.
4264 This case has not been reviewed and should not be closed.
4265 This case has not been reviewed by a supervisor and should not be closed.
4266 This assessment is currently being audited.
4267 Please enter an end date for each officer before closing the case.
4268 The date must be greater than or equal to all officer end dates.
4269 This audited assessment has no reassessment linked to it.
4270 This assessment is not linked to the audited assessment. Please re-enter.
4271 The assigned date must be before the start date. Please re-enter.
4272 The assigned date must not be before the date opened. Please re-enter.
4273 The assigned date must not be greater than today's date. Please re-enter.
4274 This employee does not exist.
4275 No primary key row has been found for the value in audit_level_no.
4276 No primary key row has been found for the value in audit_funct_no.
4277 Please assign at least one examiner to the case (page 2 of form).
4278 Please assign at least one examiner to the case and save before exiting.
4279 The audit group screen is already open. Please exit from this form to use.
4280 This new assessment no. does not exist.
4281 No tax periods for the specified tax type or enter tax type to use list.
4282 This invalid tax type or tax account does not exist. Please re-enter.
4283 Please enter criteria before querying.
4284 Please enter at least one other field.
4285 The created date is missing.
4286 The assessment no. is missing.
4287 The audit level is missing.
4288 The audit type is missing.
4289 The created date is required. Please re-enter.
4290 The created date must be earlier than the today's date. Please re-enter.
4291 The visit start date must be greater than the created date. Please re-enter.
4292 Please enter the visit end date before closing the case.
4293 The completed date must be earlier than the today's date. Please re-enter.
4294 The completed must be greater than the created date. Please re-enter.
4295 The completed date must be greater than the visit end date. Please re-enter.
4296 The visit start date must not be greater than the today's date. Please re-enter.
4297 The visit start date must be earlier than the visit end date. Please re-enter.
4298 You must choose a tax period first.
4299 The audit type must be set to field audit if the visit start date is entered.
4300 The visit end date must be greater than the visit start date. Please re-enter.