Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30201 to 30300

The following table displays error message codes from 30201 to 30300.

Message Code Description
30204 Motor Vehicles - Allows management of operations related to motor vehicles in SIGTAS.
30205 Property Tax - Allows registration and maintenance of properties.
30206 The "%1" must be later than or equal to the "%2".
30207 The "%1" must be prior to or equal to the "%2".
30208 You cannot delete a motor vehicle while a dependent principal owner exists.
30209 Payment Agreement - Allows create and manage payment agreement between the taxpayer and the revenue department.
30210 Interfaces - Allows data interchange between the Tax office system and thirds parties.
30211 Administration - Allows to maintain the system configuration and security access.
30213 The field "%1" must be before or equal to the field "%2" %3.
30214 Do you want to create the next exercise?
30215 The %1 must be between one year before and one year after the financial year.
30216 A row already exists with the same value for the field %1.
30217 The ranges of dates entered must be equal or less than one year.
30218 %1 cannot be deleted because it is used for %2.
30221 You are about to confirm the registration of the taxpayer.
30222 Do you want to continue?
30224 The CDD certificate should be printed and Pending approval to be approved.
30225 The CDD certificate should be "Circulating" to be able to be paid out.
30226 The CDD certificate should be "Circulating" to be able to be cashed.
30227 The CDD certificate should be "Circulating" to be splitted.
30228 %1 %2 will be printed.
30229 The value of "%1" must be later than "%2".
30230 All the assessment notices must be generated or printed in order to generate the reports.
30231 The status of the batch must be "Closed" to continue.
30232 This document cannot be printed because it has been discarded.
30233 Columns header for this data source type is not configured.
30234 This file is not compatible with the selected data source type. Please check the file format, ensure that the encoding is UTF8 and data are separated by ";".
30235 A project for a suspended tax must have at least one activity related to it.
30236 The total Exluding the VAT of the invoice must be equal to the sum of all exluding VAT amounts of each product line.
30237 Good and service cannot be deleted if it has been captured on an invoice of the project.
30238 An activity cannot be deleted if it has been captured on an invoice of the project.
30239 The VAT Amount of these buyings plus the other VAT amounts for the other buyings is greater than the available amount for this project.
30240 The total quantity for product "%1" plus the quantity already entered on other buyings are greater than the allowed quantity on this project.
30241 The entered quantity for this product is greater than all quantities already entered for the invoices of this project.
30242 This tax account cannot be closed since a project of suspension/exoneration of taxes is still open. Close the projet %1 before closing the tax account.
30243 This tax account relation with this establishment cannot be stopped since a project of suspension/exoneration of taxes is still open. Close the projet %1 before updating the end date.
30244 The taxpayer, tax type and period are not associated to a batch that you are the operator.
30245 The tax center "%1" has not been migrated yet.
30246 Inactivity periods against "Tax" and against "Penalty and Interest" will be created. Do you want to continue?
30247 The documents printing will produce %1 document (s). Do you want to continue?
30248 At least one transaction has been found.
30249 No tax account found for this taxpayer with tax type "%1".
30250 This document number has not been generated by the new SIGTAS.
30251 Only transactions associated to the same period can be selected.
30252 The value of field %1 cannot be removed since the value has already been updated once.
30253 Assessment Notices needs to be generated from the Fiscal Roll.
30254 Taxpayer has no outstanding liabilities, therefore a collection case cannot be created.
30255 The tax account is closed. You cannot reopen this project.
30256 The association between the establishment and the tax account is no longer active. This project cannot be reopened.
30257 The last updates will be lost. Be sure to save all modifications before proceeding at the deletion of the product. Do you want to continue?
30258 This individual has no individual entreprises and cannot be registered as an employer.
30259 The execution time has to be set after %1, otherwise the job will run now. Do you want to continue?
30260 %1 must have some value.
30261 The establishment associated with this tax account is closed.
30262 This installment period cannot be selected because an assessment notice of the same period has already been created and calculated for the main tax account.
30263 At least one %1 must be selected in order to delete it from the Case.
30264 At least one assessment corresponds to the selected 'Tax Type/Year'. Please remove it (them) before to continue.
30265 This document cannot be used anymore because installment amounts have already been transferred to the main account.
30266 You cannot delete an assessment associated to a closed audit case.
30267 There is no existing information bulletin for this taxpayer.
30268 You cannot reverse an opening balance with a tax period and a reference number. Please use the page "List of Opening Balance References" to reverse these transactions.
30269 Only upload files that end in csv or txt. Please select a new file and try again.
30270 The following accounts: %1 have inactivity periods cases. Do you want to print the remittances related to these tax accounts?
30271 Are you sure you want to transfer these accounts?
30272 AThe check boxes "Difference" and "Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing)" cannot be both selected.
30273 The cart does not exist.
30274 The cart is owned by another taxpayer.
30275 The cart must have the status Awaiting Confirmation.
30276 The amount must equal the amount from the cart.
30278 You cannot transfer tax accounts of a deceased taxpayer.
30279 You cannot transfer tax accounts of a closed enterprise.
30280 Please select at least one criteria.
30281 Please enter the field %1 before to save.
30282 %1 must be greater than or equal to %2 of all officers.
30283 %1 must be less than or equal to %2 of all officers.
30284 This case cannot be deleted since it is linked to a payment agreement.
30285 An %1 cannot be added or dissociated since an open payment agreement is linked to this case.
30286 At least one representative must be entered.
30288 This non individual taxpayer must have a VAT tax account to proceed with the change.
30289 This case cannot be deleted, it is associated to an arrear to pay, an officer, an agent, a step, a lien or a payment agreement.
30290 The main assessment has been printed. You cannot pay with this document.
30291 The field %1 must be greater or equal to the today's date.
30292 SIGTAS can't generate a TIN for this enterprise type. Please contact the system administrator.
30293 Errors were encountered while transferring the taxpayer. Please verify this issue with the system administrator.
30294 This %1 has already been assigned to this case.
30295 The registration card has been successfully printed out.
30296 The registration card has not been printed.
30297 The photo is expired or not exists. You cannot print the card.
30298 This taxpayer is assigned to the opened audit program number %1.
30299 This audit program cannot be deleted since taxpayers have been assigned to it or has been approved.
30300 This taxpayer is already assigned to this audit program.