Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Display automatic calculation of taxpayers audit risk scores

This page explains how to display automatic calculation of taxpayer audit risk scores.

Step 1 - Go to the page Automatic Calculation of Taxpayers Audit Scores

  1. Go to the Audit module;
  2. Choose the Audit Risk menu;
  3. Click on Automatic Calculation of Taxpayers Audit Scores. This action opens the Automatic Calculation of Taxpayer Audit Risk Scores page (505:9081);

Step 2 - Display Automatic Calculation of Taxpayers Audit Risk Scores

  1. Go to the Select Criteria section;
  2. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, From, To, etc.;
  3. Click the Refresh button. This action displays the details on the lower section;
  4. Search for the job no. to display;
  5. Click on the hyperlink of the job no. subject of the request. This action opens the Job page (505:9082) with other search criteria.