Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Choose the format of your report

This part of the guide explains how to format your report.

This functionality allows you to set the format of your report, such as: sorting in an ascending or descending manner, mathematical calculations on a column, etc.

Interactive reports offer the following formats:

  • Sort: Sorts the data in an ascending or descending order;
  • Control Break: Groups data by column;
  • Highlight: Sets the filter. Lines that meet the filter criteria are displayed using the characteristics of the filter;
  • Compute: Adds calculated columns to your report;
  • Aggregate: Performs mathematical calculations on a column;
  • Chart: Adds a graph;
  • Group By: Groups by function;
  • Pivot: Moves the columns around.

To choose the format of your report:

  1. Click on the Actions button;
  2. Choose the Format option. This action opens a drop-down list containing the available formats;
  3. Click on the desired format. This action opens a pop-up window allowing you to apply your selection. In the example below, the user has selected the Highlight option. You also have the choice of the number of options;
  4. Fill out the required fields;
  5. Click on the Apply button. This action confirms the format and updates your report.