Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Letter Types - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating a letter type.

List of Letter Types

Screen Name Page
List of Letter Types 509:15210
Type Name Details
Display Field No. The number automatically assigned to the letter type entry by SIGTAS.
Display field Letter Type Specifies the type of the letter to be sent to the taxpayer.
Checkbox For Reminder Sequence A selected checkbox provides a LOV for the Letter Type field of the Letters/Reminders (509:15681) screen.
Display only.
Checkbox Letter Reminder A selected checkbox provides a LOV for the Letter Type field of the Reminder Sequence Detail (509:15582) screen.
Display only.
Checkbox Appendices If selected, the Appendices tabulation of the Letters/Reminders (509:15681) screen will be enabled allowing the user to assign appendices of the selected letter type.
This flag cannot be used for Remittances letter types.
Display only.
Checkbox Allow Sticker Designates if the letter can be a sticker.
Display only.
Checkbox Collection Indicates if a collection case can be associated to the letter type.
Display only.
Checkbox Audit Indicates if an audit case can be associated to the letter type.
Display only.
Checkbox Objection Indicates if an objection case can be associated to the letter type.
Display only.
Button Create A click on this button opens the popup window Letter Type (509:15211) allowing to add a new letter type.

Letter Type popup window

Screen Name Page
Letter Type popup window 509:15211
Type Name Details
Display Field No. The number automatically assigned by SIGTAS, to the letter type entry after saving a newly created letter type.
Display only.
Display field Letter Type A free text to enter a unique type of the letter to be sent to the taxpayer.
The first 60 values are reserved for SIGTAS (cannot be modified). After these, the user can add new letter types as required.
A click on the dynamic icon redirects the user to the page Translations (509:50000) to add/modify the translation of the letter type in the languages defined by the rule 88 "LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY" in the page General Rules (509:3030).
Checkbox For Reminder Sequence A selected checkbox provides a LOV for the Letter Type field of the Letters/Reminders (509:15681) screen.
Checkbox Letter Reminder A selected checkbox provides a LOV for the Letter Type field of the Reminder Sequence Detail (509:15582) screen.
Checkbox Appendices If selected, the Appendices tabulation of the Letters/Reminders (509:15681) screen will be enabled allowing the user to assign appendices of the selected letter type.
This flag cannot be used for Remittances letter types.
Checkbox Allow Sticker If checked then the letter can be a sticker.
Checkbox Collection If checked, then a collection case can be associated to the letter type.
Checkbox Audit If checked, then an audit case can be associated to the letter type.
Button Save Saves the letter type issuing, closes the popup window Letter Type (509:15211) and redirects the user to the page Letter Types (509:15210) which will be refreshed with the new information.
Button Save and create Saves the letter type information, keeps the user on the same window and clears all fields in order to be able to capture a new type.
Button Delete Available only while consulting an existing letter type.
Validation rules:
It is not allowed to delete a letter type while a dependent letter or letter subtitle or approval document or reminder sequence exists.