Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create estimated installment amounts

This part of the guide explains how to create an estimated installment amount.

Once the new estimated installment amount has been created, SIGTAS assigns it the status In Progress.

Step 1 - Go to the page Estimated Installment Amounts

  1. Go to the Assessment module;
  2. Choose the Functionalities option;
  3. Click on the Estimated Installment Amounts option. This action opens the Estimated Installment Amounts page (502:7000);

Step 2 - Create an estimated installment amount

  1. Click the Create button. This action opens the pop-up window Estimated Installment Amount;
  2. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Request Date, TIN, etc.;
  3. Click the Save button. This action confirms the creation of the estimated amount for installment and updates the Estimated Installment Amounts page (502:7000).