Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9401 to 9500

The following table displays error message codes from 9401 to 9500.

Message Code Description
9401 Impossible to copy address. Please enter manually the mailing address.
9402 The tax division FIRS does not exist.
9403 The tax division does not exist for corresponding state.
9404 The state is missing in the address.
9405 Error in getting the tax authority.
9406 A tax period for this tax type using the same imposition base has been found. Please verify.
9407 Either a National or International location address must be entered.
9408 Do you want to create another request for this taxpayer?
9410 A revised amount cannot be captured on a calculated line.
9411 The exchange rate has been changed and the payment has been recalculated.
9412 The tax type of this %1 does not match the tax type associated to this batch.
9413 The tax division of this %1 does not match the tax division associated to this batch.
9414 You cannot associate a tax account with a tax year different from a batch year.
9415 This tax account has inactive periods.
9416 Your assigned tax division must have task '%1' to perform this action.
9417 This period has already been processed.
9419 This Photo field is mandatory.
9420 Are you sure you want to detach this photo?
9421 No photo has been added for this taxpayer.
9422 You do not have the right to update taxpayers who belong to this tax division.
9423 You cannot enter an individual title without sex.
9424 Please enter a year.
9425 Please select a %1 before selecting a %2.
9426 List of taxpayers having the same values : %1.
9427 This assessment has not been assigned to this batch.
9428 This document has not been assigned to this batch.
9429 You must first select a form to import or export lines.
9430 You cannot replace these lines. An assessment already exists.
9431 This operation has aborted.
9432 You cannot open the specified file.
9433 There was an error while decoding the XML.
9434 %1 items have been found. Warning: the current lines will be deleted. Do you want to load these lines?
9435 This operation has been successfully completed.
9436 Invalid XML.
9437 An assessment has been found. The operation has been aborted.
9438 Aborting the load: an error occured while trying to load this line: %1.
9439 Error while trying to create a file.
9440 There are no lines to import. The operation has been aborted.
9441 The selected letter has at least one appendix requiring a tax type. Therefore the field Tax Type cannot be empty.
9442 The spouse doesn't exist as a taxpayer.
9443 This option can be used only with the wages.
9444 This option can be used only with the Third Party/Rent.
9445 This tax account is closed or has an inactivity period. Do you still want to print the letter?
9446 Only national establishments are allowed for individual enterprises.
9447 You must at least select a TIN or a tax type or a tax division.
9448 %1 stickers will be printed. Do you want to continue?
9449 Note: The tax type must be specified before the tax division can be selected. If a tax type is cleared, the tax division is automatically cleared.
9450 At least one transaction has been modified, the changes will not be saved. Do you want to exit?
9451 Error in distributing payments.
9452 Invalid document.
9453 Invalid payment date.
9454 Invalid amount.
9455 Invalid exchange rate.
9456 There are no entries for this list of values.
9457 Invalid bank.
9458 Validation problem.
9459 Please enter a value between %1 and %2.
9460 Please select an employer in order to see the tax types associated to this employer.
9461 An error has been found in the bank interface header info.
9462 Please enter at least one of the selection criteria and/or a payment date range or a modification date range.
9463 Please enter a payment date range or a modification date before running the report.
9464 If a transaction has been modified but not transferred, the modifications won't be displayed in the report. Do you want to continue?
9465 Please enter a comment.
9466 Please press the Distribution button to complete the transaction.
9467 You have to enter the deceased date before saving.
9468 Checking this box will only print letters for enterprises that have the selected business activity as their main activity. Unchecking this box will print all enterprises that have this business activity, either as main or secondary.
9469 Check if the letter type can use a sticker layout.
9470 The stickers will be printed. Do you want to continue?
9472 You cannot save this record because it already exists.
9473 You cannot save the record. Please verify the order.
9474 An active business activity should be selected as main. The end date cannot be entered.
9475 For a VAT tax types, it is possible to set a minimum refutable amount.
9476 You do not have rights to print letters for tax accounts that belong to this tax division.
9477 The bank name entered is not matching any of the taxpayer's bank accounts.
9478 Checking this box will only print stickers for enterprises that have the selected Business Activity as their MAIN activity. Unchecking this box will print all enterprises that have this Business Activity, either as main or secondary.
9479 Invalid date. It must be between the establishment start date and close date.
9480 You cannot associate a head office to a closed establishment.
9481 You cannot modify this field while this establishment is associated to an establishment based tax account. An end date must be entered in Maintain Tax Account Establishment.
9484 You cannot delete this field. The establishment or tax account is closed.
9485 Field '%1' must be entered before entering '%2'.
9486 You do not have the rights to print this report.
9487 If you remove the close date, the enterprise will be reopened. Do you want to reopen it?
9488 The establishments associated with this tax account are all closed or their link together has expired or the mother enterprise is closed.
9489 Please select a Filing Due Date Range(From/To) or a Tax Period (From/To) before generate unfiled remittance form(s).
9490 There is no unfiled remittance form matches the selection criteria. Please verify.
9491 '%1' remittance forms will be created. Do you wish to continue?
9492 The start date of the step must be later than or equal to the objection request date.
9493 You cannot modify the objection request. The date assessment(s) are already attached to the objection.
9494 The filing due date to must be equal to or maximum one year later than the filing due date from.
9495 This representative has already been registered and is still active.
9496 This document does not exist or is not a refund request or remittance document.
9497 This document does not belong to the selected taxpayer and/or the selected tax type.
9498 No unfiled remittance to be generated.
9499 '%1' of the '%2' remittance forms are already created but haven't been filed. Do you wish to discard them and create all remittance forms or create only the no previously generated remittance forms?
9500 The main individual enterprise cannot be closed. Please select another individual enterprise as main and then close this individual enterprise.