Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Translate from the translation pop-up window

This part of the guide explains how to translate from the Translation popup window.

Once the translation is confirmed, SIGTAS displays the translation in the SIGTAS dictionary page (509:15470).

The following example shows how to translate a public holiday using the Translation pop-up window. This procedure is standardized and also applies in all cases where a translation is available from this pop-up window.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Public Holidays

  1. Go to the Administration module;
  2. Choose the Rules /Configuration option;
  3. Click the Public Holidays menu. This action opens the List of Public Holidays page (509:15130);

Step 2 - Translate from the Translation pop-up window

  1. Go to the Search Criteria section;
  2. Enter a Year. This action refreshes the List of Public Holidays page (509:15130) and displays the holiday associated with the selected year;
  3. Search the term to translate;
  4. Click the hyperlink of the term requiring a translation. This action opens the Public Holiday popup window;
  5. Click the dynamic icon locates at the right of the Description field. This action opens the Translations popup window;
  6. Complete the field to translate;
  7. Click the Save button. This action confirms the translation and updates the SIGTAS Dictionary page (509:15470).