Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 10201 to 10300

The following table displays error message codes from 10201 to 10300.

Message Code Description
10201 Taxpayer no of %2. You can only enter %1 information on this screen.
10202 The %1 field should not be empty.
10203 The %1 must be of %2 type.
10204 Before saving a new %1, you must create %2 detail.
10205 A principal owner must be flagged before saving the owner.
10206 This taxpayer is not a property owner.
10207 There is no owner for this property.
10208 This property is not owned by the taxpayer entered.
10209 If the aspect definition is 'text', then the descriptive table must be empty.
10211 Only one flag can be checked.
10212 The calculation. method "%1" doesn't exist for the property %2 related to this part at this date.
10213 No property has been attached to this part at this effective date.
10214 Only one computation method can be set as %1 per property.
10215 The same computation method cannot be set as ntv and mtv.
10216 The value entered must be %1.
10217 %1 of the profile does not correspond to the one of the part.
10218 The specified date does not match the one of the plan and survey.
10219 You can only select files of the above listed directory.
10220 One of the flags must be checked.
10221 Only one of the flags can be checked at one time.
10222 At least one the two checkboxes must be checked: "Descriptive Sheet" or "Environment".
10223 This aspect has already been used. Please use a different aspect or modify the existing one.
10224 Before entering a cadastral id, the %1 must be entered.
10225 No property value calculation is required at this time.
10226 You must select the %1 to %2.
10227 "active for tax" for the property is not checked.
10228 A record already exists with the same %1.
10229 This taxpayer has no %1.
10230 You can only print certificate on ntv computation methods.
10232 Double entry of block and parcel.
10233 Incorrect tax_payer_no.
10234 %1 must be uploaded from arc view.
10235 Only %1 or %2 can be entered.
10236 If based on is <%1>, only %1 can be entered, if <%2>, due and cutoff dates and delay are mandatory.
10237 Deleting an algorithm variable will also delete all corresponding values. Do you wish to proceed?
10238 This part is not attached to an algorithm.
10239 This part was already valuated. You must delete it prior record to re-valuate.
10240 The size has not been defined on the property-part.
10241 This unit of measure has not been defined on the property-part.
10242 This condition has not been defined on the property-part.
10243 This aspect has not been defined on the property-part.
10244 This conversion factor has not been defined on the unit of measure.
10245 This combination of variables has already been entered.
10246 This value has not been defined on the property-part.
10250 You can validate a request only if its status is in progress.
10259 The computation on this property is not effective.
10260 Error: the official list has already been printed for this status and year.
10261 Warning: the official list has already been printed for this status and year. A copy will be printed.
10263 This taxpayer is already occupying this property part.
10264 The property-part "%1" is already attached to this property.
10265 You cannot change the order on demand notice if there is an end date.
10266 There can be only one secondary owner.
10267 You must enter an end date to void an owner.
10268 The property must have one principal owner.
10269 An owner cannot be a principal and a secondary owner.
10270 This property-part is not linked to the selected property.
10271 There is already a value entered for this property part.
10272 No value exists with the ntv or mcv flag checked for this comparable property part.
10273 You have to associate this part to a property first.
10274 You must enter a certificate type.
10275 This comparable property part does not have a value with the flag ntv or mcv checked.
10276 You must enter a computation method.
10277 The checked flag and the computation method are not compatible.
10278 You need to enter either a tax division or a property range.
10279 There is no valid properties to generate demand notices.
10280 No parameter exists for this job.
10281 No demand notice exists for this job.
10282 This is not a create demand notice job.
10283 You cannot delete an owner. Please enter an end date and use the void checkbox instead.
10284 Please use the transfer functionality to change the ownership.
10285 A principal owner has already been entered. Use the transfer functionnality to change ownership.
10286 No property tax account exists for this taxpayer. Please create the proper tax accounts.
10287 This assessment is not linked to a demand notice.
10288 This street name already exists for this city.
10289 This is not a demand notice document type.
10290 This is not a validate/generate job.
10291 This document has not been printed.
10292 The start date of the other owners can't be before the start date of the principal owner.
10293 You cannot add a value to this property because it is closed.
10294 You cannot attach a property part to this property because it is closed.
10295 You must select a neighbourhood/village before choosing a street.
10296 There are no streets defined for that city.
10297 The start date must be later than the oldest property part history start date.
10298 This combination tax type value type already exists for the dates specified.
10299 SIGTAS is preparing the demand notice.
10300 The demand notice has been created and the batch job is submitted.