Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 10001 to 10100

The following table displays error message codes from 10001 to 10100.

Message Code Description
10002 Standard integrated goverment tax administration system.
10005 Warning: please use the global fixed length value.
10006 The fixed length should be entered.
10007 At least one of the flags: property-part or property sub-part must be checked.
10008 The start date cannot be later than the end date.
10009 The open date must be entered when the close date is entered.
10010 The open date should not be greater than the close date.
10011 The open date should not be null.
10012 The close date should not be null.
10013 No cadastral id has been chosen.
10014 All inspections of this group will be erased. Do you really wish to delete this group?
10015 The close date must be greater or equal to the maximum open date of inspection of the same group.
10016 The values entered are incorrect: the end level must exceed the start, and both must be valid cadaster levels.
10017 SIGTAS allows a maximum of seven cadastral levels. Please contact your system administrator.
10018 This taxpayer does not exist.
10019 Unable to find the taxpayer name.
10020 Invalid taxpayer number.
10021 The property-part id must be entered.
10022 The record cannot be deleted. Inspectors exist for this inspection.
10023 The record cannot be deleted. Services exist for this inspection.
10024 The record cannot be deleted. Aspects exist for this inspection.
10025 At least one character must be entered.
10026 Inspections already exist for this inspection group.
10027 The needs open date flag is not checked for this inspection status. Open date field should be null.
10028 The needs close date flag is not checked for this inspection status. Close date field should be null.
10029 Overlapping dates are not allowed.
10030 Enter the new effective period.
10031 The start date should be one day after the previous end date.
10032 Do you wish to activate all related cadastral structure in the lower levels?
10033 Warning: every related cadastral structure in the lower levels will be deactivated.
10034 You cannot open this form.
10035 Only one transfer status can be set to "open".
10036 Only one transfer status can be set to "completed".
10037 The same transfer case cannot be set to "open" and "completed" simultaneously.
10038 There can be only one transfer case.
10039 There can be only one inspection case.
10040 A procedure type cannot be set as a transfer case and inspection case at the same time.
10041 Value outside range set in SIGTAS rules. Please re-enter.
10042 You cannot insert this record.
10043 Only one active representative allowed for a property owner.
10044 The date cannot be before the property creation date.
10045 Date overlaps that of a similar record. Please check and re-enter.
10046 The start value must exceed zero and be less or equal to the end value.
10047 You must enter an end value before proceeding.
10048 The structure %1 cannot be updated since the structure %2 is inactive.
10049 Previous levels should contain values.
10050 At least one checkbox should be checked.
10051 Warning: new cadastral structures will be created.
10052 Warning: the checked cadastral structures will be reactivated.
10053 There should be values in the first level if you want to proceed.
10054 To deactivate this structure, specify all sub-levels you want to deactivate until level %1.
10055 You must select a new principal owner before changing this taxpayer's status to secondary owner.
10056 This taxpayer is still active in the representative's list.
10057 This taxpayer is still active in the owner's list.
10058 You must select a new principal owner before adding an end date.
10059 An end date to the previous law will be set, do you wish to continue?
10060 The demand of notice and exemption cannot both be set to yes.
10061 You cannot choose the value amount of tax with a demand of notice.
10063 There are exemption cases using this rule. An end date will be assigned to these cases. Do you want to continue?
10064 Other laws are using this rule. It cannot be deleted. An end date will be assigned to it.
10065 This record cannot be deleted since the start date is prior or equal to the today's date.
10066 The start date or end date cannot be later than the property's end date.
10067 The start date of any rule must be in the future in order for the rule to be modified.
10069 If field "%1" is entered, then "%2" are mandatory.
10070 With the use set to %1, the use type cannot be set to %2.
10071 With the rule level set to %1, the use cannot be set to %2.
10072 If rule level is set to %1, you cannot select %2.
10073 You must select a use type when the use on property or part field is selected.
10074 Arguments and rates attached to this rule will be erased. Do you wish to continue?
10075 There are no property-parts associated with this property. Enter an end date for this property.
10076 Before closing a %1, you must close all exemption cases related to this %2.
10077 The %1's end date should not be less than the actual end date of a related exemption case.
10078 If the rule is on use, property or service type, peer group, material or style then %1 must be null %2.
10079 The start and end dates of the %1 must be within those of the %2.
10080 If %1 is checked on the rule, you must enter the %1 on the argument.
10081 You can only have substantiating documents on an exemption.
10082 The start date must obligatory be smaller than %2 on the %1.
10083 The revision date must be obligatory smaller or equal to the start date on the %1.
10084 The start date cannot be smaller than the today's date on the %1.
10085 There is already another law covering this period.
10086 There must always be an active law at all times. You must create a new one first.
10087 The end date cannot be updated.
10088 You cannot close %1 in the past.
10089 This "%1" already exists. Please enter a unique value.
10090 This value already exists for %1. Please enter a unique value.
10091 If the use on the rule is %1, then %2 must be null.
10092 If the rule is neither on use, property or service type, peer group, material or style then %1.
10093 If rule level is set to %1, you can only select %2.
10094 You cannot create argument on a case rule.
10095 If rule level is set to %1, you must enter %2.
10096 If the application method of the exemption is case, then either amount or rate must be entered.
10097 If the application method of the exemption is not case, then neither amount or rate must be entered.
10098 If %1 is %2 then the %1 unit of measure is mandatory.
10099 If field "%1" is entered, then "%2" is mandatory.
10100 If %1 is empty then the %2 must be null.