Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 2501 to 2600

The following table displays error message codes from 2501 to 2600.

Message Code Description
2501 The end date must be later than or equal to the start date.
2520 The monthly version no. must be entered.
2521 A row already exists with the same year, tax and type no.
2522 This monthly form and/or version does not exist.
2523 This annual form and/or version does not exist.
2524 Please enter a tax type and/or a year.
2525 This monthly version no. does not exist.
2526 This annual version no. does not exist.
2527 The form and version chosen do not have a period for the year selected.
2528 The annual form has no tax period attached.
2529 This version has no tax period assigned for the year specified.
2530 This version has no tax periods assigned for the year specified.
2531 No such version exists for the form you have selected.
2532 You cannot delete a collection contact type while a dependent collection contact exists.
2533 A row already exists with the same contact type no.
2534 A row already exists with the same other contact type.
2535 The remittance form is being prepared for printing.
2536 The to date is earlier than the from date.
2540 This batch job no does not exist.
2541 No notices to be printed from this job.
2542 A record already exists for this employee.
2543 This employer does not exist.
2544 No tax_balance has been found for the criteria specified.
2545 No annual tax form has been setup for the year specified.
2546 This end date does not exist.
2547 The query of an annual pay employee must be in the context of an enterprise.
2548 The insertion an annual pay employee must be in the context of an enterprise.
2549 Invalid employee information.
2550 A year must be specified.
2551 No SIGTAS_rules table exists.
2552 Error in finding annual p.a.y.e.d.
2553 This taxpayer has not been assigned to this tax type.
2554 Error in accessing the tax transaction sequence no.
2555 Invalid login id.
2556 No tax period has been set up to transfer tax to.
2557 Error in finding existing transaction.
2558 Please enter an employer taxpayer #, a year and a tax type.
2559 This employer is not registered for this tax type.
2560 You cannot delete a collection case while a dependent exists.
2561 A row already exists with the same collection case no.
2562 A row already exists with the same employee no.
2563 The collection case is not for opening arrears: assessment/s required.
2564 The collection case is for opening arrears: no assessments required.
2565 No primary key row has been found for the value in assess_no.
2566 The query of a collection assessment must be in the context of a collection case.
2567 The insertion of a collection assessment must be in the context of a collection case.
2568 No assessment exists for this tax account.
2569 No primary key row has been found for the value in agent_no.
2570 This agent no. does not exist.
2571 You cannot delete a collection agent while a dependent agency notice exists.
2572 The query of a collection agent must be in the context of a collection case.
2573 The insertion of a collection agent must be in the context of a collection case.
2574 This employee no. does not exist.
2575 The query of a collection officer must be in the context of a collection case.
2576 The insertion of a collection officer must be in the context of a collection case.
2577 This employee does not exist.
2578 The assessment does not exist.
2579 The selection criteria are required for the query.
2580 This officer is already assigned to this collection case.
2581 The date is earlier than the current date.
2582 The end date is earlier than the start date.
2583 The taxpayer no. is required.
2584 The result of this collection case is required.
2585 The date on which this case was closed is required.
2586 The establishment no., taxpayer no., tax period no. and tax type no. must be entered.
2587 This taxpayer no. and tax type no. do not exist.
2588 The collection case already exists for opening arrears on this tax account.
2589 This establishment no., taxpayer no., tax period no., and tax type no. do not exist.
2590 This assessment is already assigned in a collection case.
2591 The tax account does not exist.
2592 The taxpayer no./tax type is required.
2593 Opening arrears should be n. The collection case has assessments.
2594 This collection case does not require an assessment.
2595 This taxpayer no. does not exist.
2596 This taxpayer should not be his/her own collection agent.
2597 The taxpayer no. is required.
2598 No primary key row has been found for the values entered.
2600 This month/year does not exist.