Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9201 to 9300

The following table displays error message codes from 9201 to 9300.

Message Code Description
9201 Please enter a %1 in the format "%2".
9202 Warning - there are manual penalties that were applied. The tax balance might be changed. Please review these penalties.
9203 This batch has no assessments.
9205 This taxpayer is not an %1.
9206 This assessment is not yet calculated and cannot be reassessed.
9207 You cannot enter the family name for a male taxpayer.
9208 You cannot enter the family name for a single taxpayer.
9212 You must have the role %1 to query this record.
9214 You cannot delete this record because the %1 is linked to taxpayer: %2.
9215 %1 new certificates have been created.
9217 It is not possible to create manual penalties when the assessment notice has been printed. Please create a reassessment or discard the active assessment notice.
9218 The assessment %1 has been calculated.
9219 The assessment %1 has been calculated. Ensure that the manual penalties are still properly assessed.
9220 The assessment %1 has been calculated. However SIGTAS has calculated a different amount for %2 lines. Please review the values entered.
9221 The assessment %1 has been calculated. However SIGTAS has calculated a different amount for %2 lines. Please review the values entered.
9222 Ensure that the manual penalties are still properly assessed.
9223 This "%1" document is not a valid payment document.
9224 This document having status '%1' is not allowed as a valid payment document.
9225 Press this button if you want to distribute the payment against another assessment/period.
9226 All required %1 should be entered.
9227 There is an inactivity period registered for that tax account and tax period.
9229 At least one conditional document should be entered.
9230 If checked, the user will be able to enter the ID type in Maintain Individual, Maintain Non-Individual or Maintain Individual Enterprise screens.
9231 If checked, the user must enter the ID type and ID Number in Maintain Individual, Maintain Non-Individual or Maintain Individual Enterprise screens.
9232 The user should enter in Maintain Individual, Maintain Non-Individual or Maintain Individual Enterprise screens at least one on the ID Types checked.
9233 If you do not want to specify a batch number, please cancel the query and click on the document no field.
9234 The format is %1.
9235 There is an inactivity period registered for that enterprise and tax period.
9236 The %1 record should not be empty.
9237 If checked, the date range entered represents a partial fiscal year and not a full fiscal year.
9238 The tax account no %1 was created (due to the modification of VAT taxpayer type).
9239 Do you want to create another tax account for this taxpayer?
9240 You must have task '%1' to perform this action.
9241 Only batches in the state %1 will appear.
9242 There are no notices associated to this batch. Please ensure the assessment notices have been generated for the batch %1.
9243 The assessment notices for the batch %1 are not ready to print %2.
9245 The taxpayer cannot be queried since no information has been entered in Maintain Individual/Maintain Non-Individual screens. Please enter the data in order to finish the enrollment process.
9246 Error in updating enterprise establishment number.
9247 At least two documents should have conditional checked.
9248 You cannot delete an establishment. Please enter a close date.
9249 This taxpayer is registered in the Chamber of Commerce. %1Continue?
9250 This taxpayer is not registered in the Chamber of Commerce. The enrollment process cannot be continued.
9251 Only one flag %1 can be checked.
9252 Use the initial value item parameter to store the user tax division value?
9253 You do not have the rights to query these values.
9254 You do not have the rights to update this record neither to enroll a taxpayer.
9255 The user must have the task %1 to access this field.
9256 The document you are trying to link to the batch has already been calculated. Do you want to continue?
9257 %1 must be equal to %2.
9259 The initial payment should be >= %1 of the total to pay %2.
9260 This internet submission number has been already entered in SIGTAS.
9261 This internet submission number does not exist.
9262 Impossible to insert this internet submission number, see TIN applications import log screen.
9263 This internet submission has been added with warnings. Please see the TIN applications import log screen.
9264 Are you sure that you want to insert this internet submission number in SIGTAS?
9265 The value in the column %1 has been truncated. The original value in OTR is :%2.
9266 You may not view this collection case as it is not attached to your tax division.
9267 You may not view this collection case as it is not assigned to you.
9268 You need the task %1 or %2 to modify this field.
9269 You are about to import information from an internet TIN application. Are you sure?
9271 This assessment notice should be generated/printed before registering a refund.
9272 This resulting assessment has already been created. The assignation cannot be modified or deleted.
9275 The receipt date must be equal or less than the registration date.
9276 The objection request date from is earlier than the objection request date to.
9277 The entered date from must be earlier than the entered date to.
9278 The closed date from must be earlier than the closed date to.
9279 You are not allowed to add assessments because there is an open payment agreement for this collection case.
9280 This account has assessments or transactions. The registration date cannot be modified.
9281 There is no assessment with a balance to pay for this taxpayer.
9282 Your tax division has no right to %1 taxpayers.
9283 You do not have the right to access this tax division. Please contact your system administrator.
9284 You do not have the right to access this tax division in %1 mode.
9285 Do you want to continue?
9286 You do not have the right to access taxpayers that belong to this tax division.
9287 There is no amount due on this assessment.
9288 You cannot print the TIN Certificate since there is at least a modification request in progress. Please close the request in Manage Enrolled Taxpayer Information screen.
9289 There is no tax account with opening arrears to pay for this taxpayer.
9290 A spouse is assigned to this taxpayer. Do you want to continue?
9291 This taxpayer is the contact for the taxpayer %.
9292 This taxpayer is an employer. Please remove the employees to continue.
9293 The penalty type you are trying to create will generate a penalty no under 101, which is reserved for the configuration. Please contact the administrator.
9294 Based on a yearly tax to pay off %1, you are required to pay %2. Taking into consideration previous payments/transfers for the above tax period, you are required to pay.
9295 The sum of the rates exceeds 100 percent.
9296 The registered date of account is ahead of the selected tax period.
9297 There is no installment due for this period.
9298 This tax account is inactive.
9299 This enterprise is closed.
9300 This enterprise is inactive.