Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Display clearance requests

To access this page, click on Certificates in the toolbar at the top of the screen, then click on Clearance Requests in the drop-down list. From here, you can display and request a tax clearance certificate (Quitus).

To display a tax clearance certificate
  1. Go to the appropriate line of the Tax Clearance Certificate Requests table. Use the left or right arrows to access other requests.
  2. Click on Details. This action displays the details of the certificate request, as well as validations results for said request, if applicable.
  3. Go to the appropriate line of the Tax Clearance Certificate Requests table. Use the left or right arrows to access other requests;
  4. Click on Details. This action updates the section Validations Results for Request n°;
  5. Click on Close. This action redirects you to the original page.