Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 5101 to 5200

The following table displays error message codes from 5101 to 5200.

Message Code Description
5101 The refund interest start date must be entered.
5102 The VAT registration id must be entered.
5103 You cannot create another fiscal no. for this branch.
5104 The establishment sequence is missing. Please contact the SIGTAS administrator.
5105 This document does not exist or is not a refund request document.
5106 No valid assessments have been found.
5107 The taxpayer number and establishment must be entered.
5108 There are no changes to the TIN information.
5109 Do you wish to print a duplicate receipt?
5110 Warning: there is already an assessment for this period.
5111 The payment amount must be entered and positive.
5112 There is no amount owing. Automatically distribute transactions?
5113 The amount to distribute is more than the amount owing - automatically distribute transactions?
5114 This VAT taxpayer id cannot be found.
5115 You cannot modify the VAT registration id when a fiscal number has been entered.
5116 The credit type, credit amount and transaction date must all be entered.
5117 The receipt could not be found in the document table. Please contact your system administrator.
5118 All fields must be entered: transaction date and amount.
5119 The amounts paid should be greater than 0.
5120 The tax period must be of calendar year type.
5121 The tax period must be of fiscal type.
5122 The tax period payment date base must be the 'date of assessment'.
5124 This receipt has already been reversed.
5140 The "Fixed Calendar Month" is checked. Please enter a value in the "Days in Regular Month".
5141 A value is entered in the "Days in Regular Month". Please check the "Fixed Calendar Month".
5142 If the "Fixed Calendar Month" is not checked, the "Days in Last Month" should not be entered.
5143 The distribute payments checkbox is set. The order for distribution should be entered.
5144 The distribute payments checkbox is not set. The order for distribution must not have a value.
5160 The basis for minimum % must have a value when, and only when, minimum % has it.
5180 The reception date must be earlier or equal to the current date.
5181 The reception date must be equal to the current date.
5182 This receipt has already been printed.
5183 You cannot print a receipt for a payment captured against a manual receipt.
5200 This receipt must be printed before exiting.