Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Print the list of form version and periods report - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about form version and periods report.

Screen Name Page
List Form Versions and Periods 509:15510
Type Name Details
LoV Form No. The form used by the tax department.
A LoV of form versions configured in the page Tax Form (509:1004).
A click on the LoV opens the Select a Form Version popup page (509:15285) for selection. Forms with no versions created are excluded from the list.
Display Field Version No. The version number of the form.
Automatically populated following the Form No selection
Display Field Tax Type The tax type associated to the form.
Automatically populated following the Form No selection
Display Field Form Title The title of the selected form.
Automatically populated following the Form No selection
Button Print A click on this button generates the List of Form Versions and Periods Report (mf42r).