Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 6601 to 6700

The following table displays error message codes from 6601 to 6700.

Message Code Description
6605 The vehicle does not have a plate no. for the specified licence period. Please, assign a plate number before.
6606 The licence base for rental plate has not been found.
6607 The tax type for motor vehicle does not exist.
6608 The tax type taxable object type motor vehicle does not exist.
6609 The tax form and version does not exist for the start date of tax period.
6610 The form is supposed to have only one line.
6611 The licence already exists for this period and vehicle.
6614 You must enter a tax type, a licence based and a letter title to calculate charge for miscellaneous fee.
6615 No licence rate is in effect on the start date.
6616 The licence base tables have not been set up for the start date.
6617 This owner is not registered for the selected tax type.
6618 A row already exists with the same tax type, interest no., start date and based on.
6619 An owner must be specified as the account holder with no end date.
6620 The system cannot properly perform the transfer.
6621 The licence has already been paid.
6622 There is no account holder at the registration date. Would you like to use the current account holder?
6623 Please reverse licence fee payment before reversing licence charge.
6624 The charge fee for the registration/plate has not been found. The reverse is not possible.
6625 This record overlaps with an existing record for the licence.
6626 The entered date is not correct. It should be either...
6627 Or.
6628 This licence was issued by the legacy system. You may not calculate the licence fee.
6629 Please enter the tax type and the based on in order to calculate the fee.
6630 You must enter the tax type, the licence based and the letter title for a registration/plate or a plate rental.
6631 This usual name does not exist.
6632 This owner does not have an address.
6633 This vehicle does not have a plate number associated to this start date.
6634 This usage does not exist.
6635 Some previous assessments are out of date.
6636 This insured by does not exist.
6637 The query of a motor vehicle licence must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6638 The insertion of a motor vehicle licence must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6639 The plate no. is different than the actual one. The plate for the licence start date is:
6640 The current plate will be changed on the screen.
6642 Error from getting bank branch information.
6644 No primary key row has been found for the value in mv_ins_id.
6645 No primary key row has been found for the value in mv_use_id.
6646 The original sticker was already printed. You can only print a duplicate.
6647 Print the licence form before printing the sticker.
6648 Make sure the bank receipt no. is specified and the licence is paid before printing the sticker.
6649 The licence is expired. You cannot print a sticker.
6650 The document type is for a duplicate sticker. Please choose another sticker type.
6651 This licence was issued by the legacy system. Please leave the licence title and the licence fee blank.
6652 You must have a licence before to print a licence form. Please save the licence before or create one.
6653 Please calculate the licence fee before the licence can be issued.
6654 Please save changes made to the licence.
6655 This licence has been charged already.
6656 Reversal done.
6657 Nothing reversed.
6658 You cannot delete regist./plate no. A registration form was already printed. Please use the Reverse licence button.
6659 You cannot delete a miscellaneous fee. A miscellaneous form was already printed. Please Use the Reverse licence button.
6660 The query of a miscellaneous fee must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6661 The insertion of a miscellaneous fee must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6662 You can calculate the fee only for the new miscellaneous form.
6663 You must have a licence before to print a miscellaneous form.
6664 Please calculate the fee before to print the form.
6665 You cannot delete a transfer fee. A transfer form was already printed. Please, use the Reverse licence button.
6666 This transfer has been charged already.
6667 The payment form has been already printed. Please use Reverse licence charge button.
6668 The insurance policy must expire after the start date.
6669 The insurance policy must expire after the licence start date.
6670 Do you really wish to reverse this miscellaneous fee?
6671 The query of a transfer fee must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6672 The insertion of a transfer fee must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6673 Do you really wish to reverse this transfer fee?
6674 You can calculate the fee only for the new transfer form.
6675 You must have a licence before to print a transfer form.
6676 You must choose who is in charge to pay the transfer fee.
6677 There was no transfer of ownership for this motor vehicle.
6678 There was no new owner defined. Enter the new owner for this motor vehicle.
6679 Transfer charge from.
6680 To
6681 You cannot print form for a duplicate licence.
6682 The miscellaneous fee charge for motor vehicle with chassis no.:
6683 An owner must be specified as the account holder on the today's date.
6684 Transfer fee charged for licence no.:
6685 A row already exists with the same taxable object type no.
6686 A row already exists with the same taxable object type description.
6687 You cannot delete a taxable object type while a dependent tax type taxable object type exists.
6688 You cannot delete a taxable object type while a dependent taxable object exists.
6689 This record overlaps with an existing record for the same tax type and taxable object type.
6690 The query of a tax type taxable object type must be in the context of a tax type.
6691 The insertion of a tax type taxable object type must be in the context of a tax type.
6692 A row already exists with the same tax type, taxable object type and start date.
6693 This taxable object type does not exist.
6694 Would you like to continue to print the sticker, yes or no?
6695 Are you sure you want to print the
6696 Sticker, yes or no?
6697 A row already exists with the same tax type taxable object type no.
6698 You cannot print a duplicate when the original sticker has not been printed.
6699 The document type is not for a duplicate sticker. Please choose another type for the duplicate.
6700 Do you really wish to reverse the licence and all miscellaneous fees and transfer fees?