Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create representative reasons

This part of the guide explains how to create a representative reason.

SIGTAS allows the administrator to perform some standard operations, such as displaying data based on different criteria. This procedure only displays and generates interactive reports. Since these pages contain only fixed values, no configuration is allowed. For more information on how to generate and print an interactive report, click the following link: Interactive Reports. SIGTAS allows the administrator to translate representative reasons into the local language of his choice. When this is the case, a dynamic icon, located to the right of the field to be translated, indicates that a translation is possible. For further instructions, please click on the following link: Translate from the Translation popup window.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Representative Reasons

  1. Go to the Administration module;
  2. Choose the Base Tables option;
  3. Select the Tax Agent option;
  4. Click the Representative Reasons menu. This action opens the List of Representative Reasons page (509:15070);

Step 2 - Create a representative reason

  1. Click the Create button. This action opens the Representative Reason popup window;
  2. Fil out the required fields (identified with a red star *). For example, Representative Reason, etc.;
  3. Click the Save button. This action confirms the creation of the representative pattern, assigns a number to the reason, and updates the List of Representative Reasons page (509:15070).