Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide


The following tables list the cross-references between the data configured in the Administration module value tables and the Cashing module pages.

Capture Payment

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Capture Payment - Payment 507:2001 Bank Name Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Bank Name 509:16100
Capture Payment - Payment 507:2001 Currency Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Currency 509:16110
Capture Payment - Payer Identification 507:2001 Payment Location Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Payment Location 509:16130
Capture Payment - Payment 507:2001 Payment Type Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Payment Type 509:16150

Capture Express Payment

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Capture Express Payment Popup Window Payment Type Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Payment Type 509:16150

Capture Multiple Document with one Cheque

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Multiple Document with one Cheque 507:3001 Bank Name Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Banks 509:16100
Create Multiple Document with one Cheque 507:3001 Currency Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Currencies 509:16110
Create Multiple Document with one Cheque 507:3001 Payment Location Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Payment Location 509:16130
Create Multiple Document with one Cheque 507:3001 Payment Type Base Tables/Payment/Transaction/Payment Type 509:16150

Daily Collected Denomination

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Daily Collected Denomination 507:7004 Currency Base Tables/Payment/Currencies 509:16110


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Report - Cash Revenue 507:10008 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Distribute Arrears 507:10000 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3070
Report - Distribute Arrears 507:10000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Maintain Tax Budget 507:10018 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Monthly Cash Revenue Reports 507:10017 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Payments Between Two Dates 507: 10010 Payment Location Base Tables/Payment/Payment Location 509:16130
Report - Payments by Main Business Activity 507:10007 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Payment Situation 507:10001 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3070
Report - Payments vs Declaration Discrepancy 507:10006 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Payments vs Declaration Discrepancy 507:10006 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Total by Payment Type and Tax Type 507:6001 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3070