Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 7601 to 7700

The following table displays error message codes from 7601 to 7700.

Message Code Description
7601 You cannot delete a batch while an assignation exists.
7602 Only %1 can be modified when an assessment or assignation is linked to the batch.
7603 The first scheduled payment date should be after the initial payment due date.
7604 A Tax Division must be specified when applying Turnover and/or Last Assessment Amount filters.
7605 An exchange rate error has been fixed. The receipt shows the correct amount paid.
7606 The assessment %1 is for a tax period exempted from penalties and interest. Do you want to continue?
7607 Calling form invalid.
7609 No payment location for the cashier has been captured.
7610 You can't attach the assessment twice. You must choose it from the list.
7611 The amount objected is mandatory.
7612 The amount assessed is mandatory.
7613 You must have an assessment.
7614 The amount objected and the amount assessed are mandatory when obj_tax and obj_penalties and obj interest are null.
7615 You must attach at least one assessment to the objection case.
7616 This assessment can be consulted from screen %1.
7617 The decision date should be greater than the objection request date.
7618 The decision date is earlier than the objection entry date.
7619 The maximum tax must be greater than the minimum tax.
7620 The maximum penalty must be greater than the minimum penalty.
7622 Please enter a payment authority in the Maintain Payment Agreement screen.
7624 The maximum interest must be greater than the minimum interest.
7625 This compensation type cannot be used with PAYE.
7626 You cannot delete this record while an inactivity period record exists for this exemption code.
7627 The start date cannot be equal or before the end date of a previous record with same exemption code.
7628 This process may take a while. Do you want to continue?
7629 The transfer all process has been completed.
7630 Some of the transfers could not be completed. Please review the information of the following employees: %1.
7631 The exemption code and exemption amount must either both have values or both be empty.
7632 Two consecutive transition periods are not allowed.
7633 Gaps in fiscal years configuration are not allowed.
7634 Invalid potential restart date range. This potential restart date must be greater than the first potential restart date.
7635 Either the end date or the potential end date must be entered.
7637 There is an unapproved reversed transaction (no %1). Do you want to continue?
7638 The following tax accounts have been suspended: %1 The following tax accounts have not been suspended: %2.
7639 Please enter a rate class code.
7640 Automatic generated inactivity periods for the following tax accounts are waiting for approbation: %1.
7641 The VAT account is already exempted. No new exemption can be created.
7643 There is an inactivity period registered for that tax account and tax period. Do you want to continue?
7644 The transaction has not been approved because it's already reversed.
7645 %1 transactions have not been approved because they are already reversed.
7646 By removing this column/line the following forms/schedules were affected. Please review the configuration.%1.
7647 Changes have been made. Please make sure to review the existing references and update if necessary.
7648 The dates for this exchange rate are in the past. Do you want to continue?
7649 Assessments exist with this rate. Please use the field "Modified Rate" to update the value and recalculate existing assessments.
7650 No tax account exists for this taxpayer with tax type indicated in the batch.
7651 An employer or an employee must be entered.
7653 This tax account is Inactive-Suspended. The certificate cannot be created.
7654 This tax account is Closed. The certificate cannot be printed.
7655 The total paid for tax period remittances is lower than the total captured withholding. Do you want to continue?
7656 This date falls into an inactivity period (%1), which is scheduled to end on %2. Please confirm that this tax account must restart sooner.
7657 Invalid start range. This start date must be greater or equal than the first start date.
7658 Invalid start range. This start date must be less or equal than the second start date.
7659 Invalid end date range. This end date must be greater or equal than the second end date.
7660 Invalid end date range. This end date must be less or equal than the second end date.
7663 The exemption code has not been correctly captured.
7664 The contract lease no. has not been correctly captured.
7665 The compensation type has not been correctly captured.
7666 No notice will be printed, as are all the correspondence type Electronic only.
7668 This taxpayer has no tax account against license. Please select another one.
7669 The payment due date function is required.
7670 The distribution has not been done. Do you want to continue?
7671 This tax account/tax type cannot be used against licenses. Please select another tax account no.
7672 The National ID card no does not match the TIN.
7673 This National ID No. does not exist.
7674 The currency %1 is not active. Please advise the system administrator.
7675 The status of the receipt is not VALIDATED. You can't process the printing.
7676 The status of a remittance document that has been captured cannot be changed to "Discarded".
7677 Insufficient amount available.
7678 The received date (incomplete) must be after the tax account registration date.
7679 The batch size must be greater than zero.
7680 The From date must be specified.
7681 No payment transactions exists for this document.
7682 The reception date must be after the tax account registration date.
7683 The inactivity period start date cannot be earlier than the tax account registration date.
7684 The inactivity period start date cannot be greater than the tax account close date.
7685 The inactivity period end date cannot be greater than the tax account close date.
7686 There is no data to upload (file or table is empty).
7687 The variation requests are not allowed for a closed tax account status.
7688 The request date must be equal to or earlier than the current date.
7689 The request date must be later than the previous request date.
7690 The request date must be later than the tax account start date.
7691 A previous In Progress request exists for this tax account. Please take an action before creating a new one.
7692 The request status is still in Progress. Please modify the status before saving.
7693 The modifications to the request need to be approved before saving.
7694 An assessment has already been calculated for the selected tax period. The installments cannot be recalculated.
7695 An excess amount of %1 has been automatically distributed against tax only.
7696 Are you sure the distributed amounts to pay are correct?
7697 The modifications to the request need to be approved before saving.
7698 A Taxpayer request cannot be register following the last installment due date.
7699 An assessment has already been calculated for the selected tax period. The installments cannot be recalculated.
7700 You must uncheck the instalment underestimation penalty in order to modify this value.