Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 6901 to 7000

The following table displays error message codes from 6901 to 7000.

Message Code Description
6921 A violated integrity constraint child record has been found.
6954 This base table (%1) must be entered in the table called SIGTAS_table.
6955 The %1 cannot be changed.
6956 %1 length should be %2.
6957 Error in getting the %1 sequence.
6958 %1 is not valid.
6961 You cannot delete %1 record while a dependent %2 record exists.
6966 %1 must be entered in country information screen.
6967 Field '%1' must be entered.
6968 Did you verify if the taxpayer has any remaining debt before closing the enterprise permanently?
6969 The batch size must be specified.
6971 The batch size must be greater than zero.
6972 %1 length without check digit should be %2.
6973 %1 cannot precede %2.
6974 %1 must be greater than %2.
6975 %1 must be lower than %2.
6978 A taxpayer's record must be queried.
6979 You must specify the main individual situation.
6980 Another situation was specified as main.
6981 %1 record must be queried.
6982 At least one individual situation must be active and be the main situation.
6983 %1 should be started by 1 or 7.
6984 At least %1 or %2 must be entered.
6985 %1 must be later than %2.
6987 The flags "TIN and VAT Registation ID are same" and "Generate VAT Number automatically" cannot be both checked.
6988 Either the flag 'TIN and VAT Regist. ID are same' or 'Generate VAT Number automatically' must be checked.
6990 The owners must be registered with a TIN.
7000 The employer %1 is also the primary employer of the employee %2.