Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 8001 to 8100

The following table displays error message codes from 8001 to 8100.

Message Code Description
8001 Do not forget to attach the taxable object with the tax account.
8002 You must enter an end date to void an owner.
8003 There must be at least one principal owner.
8004 This certificate cannot be used. It is not circulating.
8005 Update not allowed. Assessments have already been created for this tax type.
8006 A role summary report has already been created for this batch number.
8007 You cannot print the role summary report. Please wait until the day of the role summary issued date.
8008 The cabinet order corresponding to this batch must have already been printed.
8009 You must select an audit step.
8010 You must select a tax type to query the taxable object types.
8011 You cannot delete this record while a dependent marital status exists.
8012 You cannot delete this record while a dependent type exists.
8013 A row already exists with the same value.
8014 Duplicate values for (rv_low_type,rv_domain) are not allowed.
8015 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent document.
8016 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent assessment.
8017 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent audit step.
8018 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to (a) dependent classification element(s).
8019 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent audit officer.
8020 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent tax type.
8021 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent audit year.
8022 This assessment is already associated to this audit case.
8023 This tax type is already associated to this audit case.
8024 This document is already associated to this audit case step.
8025 This year is already associated to this audit case.
8026 One tax credit certificate is already defined as 'cashed'.
8027 One tax credit certificate is already defined as 'paid out'.
8028 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent audit case.
8029 The value for the response days must be an integer number greater than zero.
8030 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent employee.
8031 You cannot create an establishment before an enterprise.
8032 The pay scale start year is mandatory.
8033 The end year cannot be earlier than the start year.
8034 The entered year overlaps the year range of an existing record.
8035 The entered values are not consecutive to the values entered in other records.
8036 First, you must close the open range in the previous record.
8037 You cannot delete this record, it is linked to a dependent PAYE scale limit.
8038 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent p.a.y.e. Setup record.
8039 The tax year and application start/end year for the progressive scale do not match.
8040 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent p.a.y.e transfer tax type record.
8041 You cannot delete this record, it is linked to a dependent withholding record.
8042 The pay scale rate and the amount cannot both be entered.
8043 The upper amount should be greater than the lower amount.
8044 The rate and the fixed amount cannot be both null.
8045 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent assess line.
8046 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent document tax form.
8047 This batch is not for a tax period that is on the role.
8048 The batch payment due date must not be earlier than the issued date.
8049 Either the issued date or the batch due date or the summary document no. is still null.
8050 The tax period of this remittance does not match the tax period associated to this batch.
8051 The tax period linked to the tax type of this remittance is not set to be on role.
8052 The batch number is required since the tax period of this remittance is set to be on role.
8053 The detailed role report cannot be printed: the corresponding batch is not closed.
8054 The batch number corresponding to this job does not exist.
8055 You cannot assign a taxpayer and a perception center at the same time.
8056 You cannot delete this product same while a dependant row exists in table tax_account.
8057 You cannot print the role summary report since the assessments have not been calculated yet.
8058 The due date cannot be set for a tax period that is on the role.
8059 There is no role for the tax type associated to this job.
8060 The due date cannot be modified for a tax period that is on role.
8061 No collection location was found for this tax division, tax type and date.
8062 You cannot check married women if the box for use family divider is unchecked.
8064 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent daily balance.
8065 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent payment location.
8066 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent voucher.
8067 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent assessment collection location.
8068 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent treasury regional office.
8069 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent payment location detail.
8070 No payment location assigned to this employee with tro type.
8071 Enter the collection location or the payment location or both.
8072 The tax type must be linked to at least one tax period.
8073 The value entered for the family divider value does not exist in the table family_div_value.
8074 This code aster is already related to another treasury regional office.
8075 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent bank deposit account.
8076 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent payment voucher.
8077 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent payment bank account for a tax type.
8078 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to a dependent daily balance details.
8079 The fiscal regime is mandatory. Please enter a value.
8080 You cannot print certificates while remaining refund is not equal to 0.
8081 Please enter a refund no before querying.
8082 You cannot delete a credit certificate while approved.
8083 This control unit code is already used and cannot be modified or deleted.
8084 This assessment no. does not exist or is not the last assessment.
8085 The total approved amount cannot be greater than the account balance.
8086 This approval position is already used for this refund.
8087 The amount should be greater than zero.
8088 The capture of the remittance details is required.
8089 A certificate must be split into at least two new certificates.
8090 The certificate/s has/have already been printed.
8091 Unable to delete this certificate. A document has already been printed.
8092 You cannot delete a certificate while. %1.
8093 The requested amount is greater than the maximum refundable amount. Are you sure?
8094 The approved amount is greater than the maximum refundable amount. Are you sure?
8095 You cannot change document status to Ready to print.
8096 You are trying to activate a refund flag that overlaps an existing active record.
8097 The certificate must be printed.
8098 Please enter a refund no or a reference no before querying.
8099 The document cannot be changed because the status of its cdd is %1.
8100 You must indicate a hold reason when the held flag is checked.