Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Penalty Rate / Tax Type - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details of setting up specific penalty rate according to the tax type.

Penalty Rate/Tax Type

Screen Name Page
Penalty Rate / Tax Type 509:15161
Type Name Details
Field Tax Type The type of tax for which the penalty is configured.
Creation Mode:
A LoV is available from the List of Tax Types (509:2231) screen.
Update Mode: Display only.
Field Penalty Description of the Penalty that will be linked to this Tax Type.
Creation Mode:
A LoV is available from the List of Penalty Rates (509:15770) page.
Update Mode: Display only.
Field Penalty Type Specifies the type of penalty for which the rate is configured.
Automatically displayed from the page Penalty Rate (509:15771), once the Penalty is selected.
Display only.
Field Start Date The date on which this penalty should start to be applied to this tax type.
Creation Mode:
Date picker.
Update Mode: Display only.
Field End Date The date on which this penalty should cease to be applied to this tax type, if applicable.
Date picker.
Field Based on In case of a tax type based on a licence, this field identifies the base of the licence.
A LoV is available from the List of Licence Bases (509:16430) page.
The LOV is restricted to licence bases of the selected tax type, that are active between START DATE and END DATE.
Field Order Penalty order application.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
If the rule 252 “APPLY_PEN_AS_SOON_AS_PEN_IS_CHARGE” is equal to “Y”, then
(1) The field Order is mandatory.
(2) The Order value should be unique, for the same Penalty Rate and the same Tax Type, otherwise the error message is raised - 30490 “This Order number is used.”
Field Rate The percentage to be applied as penalty for this tax type.
Automatically displayed from the page Penalty Rate (509:15771), once the Penalty is selected
Display only.
Field When to Apply Indicates how often to apply the penalty.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Where to Apply Indicates the type of amounts on which the penalty rate should be applied (such as tax balance, original tax to pay, etc.).
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Minimum Amount The minimum fixed amount for the penalty.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Minimum % The percentage rate to be used for the minimum penalty.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Basis for Min % If the minimum is not a fixed amount, but it is rather based on a percentage, this field will identify the calculation base for this minimum.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Nil/Creditor Flat Fee Displays a flat amount that will be applied if the total tax to pay amount is null.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Maximum Indicates a maximum value (a rate, a fixed amount or a number of months), based on the value in the Maximum Type field.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Maximum Type Can be percentage, amount or months.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field First Month Maximum Displays the maximum amount to be charged for the first month.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Line Total Type The amount that was calculated on the Total Type line of the form.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Field Taxpayer Type Displays the type of taxpayer to which the penalty/tax type combination will be applied (individual, non-individual, all).
Display only.
Checkbox Use Scale Days If selected, the “day” portion of the Penalty Scale Rates tab is used instead of the “month” portion (refer to the description of the Penalty Scale Rates tab of the Maintain Penalties (TA21S) screen.)
Display only.
Checkbox Apply After Payment Allows viewing whether the penalty associated with the tax type is in accordance with the payment transaction.
Automatically displayed.
Display only.
Checkbox Consolidated Pen A selected check box indicates that consolidated forms are being used.
Display only.
Button Save Saves the Penalty Rate associated to the tax type, closes the Penalty Rate/Tax Type window and redirects the user to the List of Penalty Rates /Tax Type page (509:15160) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If the Penalty has the checkbox Apply a penalty for VAT credits selected, in the page Penalty Rate (509:15771), and the Tax Type is not VAT then the error message is raised - 30462 "For this penalty, the tax type must be VAT (tax type reference = "Value Added Tax")."
(2) If Start Date >= End Date, then the error message is raised - 2228 “End date must be later than start date.”
(3) If the current record overlaps with an existing one, then an error message is raised - 7184 “This record overlaps with an existing record for the same tax type, penalty and based on.”
(4) If the rule 252 “APPLY_PEN_AS_SOON_AS_PEN_IS_CHARGE” is equal to “Y” then if the field Order is null, then an error message is raised -30487 “If the rule ‘APPLY_PEN_AS_SOON_AS_PEN_IS_CHARGE' = 'Y', penalty order application is required.”
Button Save and Create Saves the Penalty Rate associated to the tax type and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to associate new penalty rates to tax types.
Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing penalty rate.

Penalty Scale section

For screen details, see Penalty Scale Rates Tab.