Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9701 to 9800

The following table displays error message codes from 9701 to 9800.

Message Code Description
9701 The filing program status is not valid.
9702 The tax type is not valid.
9703 The imposition base is not valid.
9704 This assessment no. does not exist.
9705 A new audit type is required for this refund.
9706 No tax account exists for this taxpayer with tax division indicated in the batch.
9707 A mandatory line should be displayed in the assessment, please check "On Assessment" or uncheck "Mandatory".
9708 The calculation cannot be done. Please fill all the mandatory fields.
9709 You cannot deactivate this currency because at least one tax account is using it.
9710 You cannot insert in a fixed table.
9711 The tax basis must be "TAXPAYER" to be allowed on eFiling.
9712 No tax type has been associated with an assessment.
9713 This screen does not exist in a user guide!
9714 If this flag is checked, the interest will ONLY apply for Refund. If not checked, it will be applied in the assessment calculation.
9715 If this flag is checked, the interest will ONLY apply for Installment. If not checked, it will be applied in the assessment calculation.
9716 This taxpayer is not an individual.
9717 Ltt_firstyeardeclare is used to identify the first year of liability of the taxpayer. It should be hidden on the assessment notice and not mandatory for calculation.
9718 The reassessment must be approved before printing.
9719 Approval field can not be deleted.
9720 Warning. The reassessment notice must be approved before printing.
9721 A technical error occurred. Please contact the system administrator.
9722 Please select a title for your report.
9723 The assessment's date is later than the objection's creation date. Do you want to continue?
9724 The refund payments are currently blocked for this taxpayer.
9725 The refund payments and transfers are currently blocked for this taxpayer.
9727 Please take note that there is another opened refund (Refund No. %1) for the same assessment but with the refund type "%2".
9728 Please take note that a more recent refund case exists (Refund No. %1) against this assessment.
9729 This assessment has been reassessed. Please finalize the reassessment before the refund can be processed.
9730 An assessment has been created for this tax tax account and tax period. No remittance is printed.
9731 Please take note that there is an existing debit in a previous period.
9732 You cannot attach a property to two tax centers.
9733 Please enter a comment in tab "Preapproval" before cancelling the refund.
9734 The refund case %1 already exists against the opening balance of this tax account.
9735 Are you sure you want to post or reject the selected transaction(s)? The process cannot be reversed.
9736 An assessment notice has already been printed for the assessment %1.
9737 Unauthorized user logged on.
9738 The assessment %1 must be approved before printing.
9739 A reassessment exists for the assessment %1.
9740 Error - Unable to find the form version.
9741 The reassessment of the original assessment must be authorized before.
9742 Could not found corresponding layout.
9743 Error - Unable to find the form version.
9744 Fatal error - Generated by the sequence ERROR_NO_SEQ. Job aborted.
9745 Fatal error - The batch could not be found.
9746 Please take note that a more recent refund case exists (Refund No. %1) against the opening balance of this tax account.
9747 The reassessment %1 must be approved before printing.
9748 The assessment notice has already been printed. Are you sure you want to continue?
9749 There is at least one assessment that has a higher transfer amount than the available outstanding balance. Please update transfer amounts or remove assessment(s): %1.
9750 There is at least one opening balance that has a higher transfer amount than the available outstanding balance. Please update transfer amounts or remove the opening balance(s): %1.
9751 To proceed with your changes. The refund transaction status has been changed to "In Progress".
9752 The penalties/interest has not been recalculated (%1).
9753 An inactivity period exists for this tax period. No Adjustments are allowed.
9754 The tax refund administrative form is already printed. Do you wish to discard it and print a new one?
9756 The end date must not be less than the today's date.
9757 The assessment %1 that you are fetching has been reassessed. Take note that it was replaced by the reassessment number %2. Please restart the refund process.
9758 This assessment has been reassessed. Please finalize the reassessment before the refund can be processed.
9759 The refund case %1 already exists against this assessment for the refund type "%2".
9760 %1 must be earlier than or equal to %2.
9761 The correspondence preference of the taxpayer is different from that selected.
9762 The letter will be sent to the representative.
9763 The letter will be sent to the branch.
9764 Line %1, column %2 type number is not valid.
9765 Line %1, column %2 type amount is not valid.
9766 Line %1, column %2 type date is not valid.
9767 Line %1, column %2 field is mandatory.
9768 The number of lines does not match the configuration of the schedule.
9769 The number of columns does not match the configuration of the schedule.
9770 The file has been successfully uploaded.
9771 The line %1 is null.
9772 The type of schedule is not set.
9773 This refund case cannot be selected since its current status is not "Approved".
9774 Any debit/credit amount under %1 is not payable/refundable.
9775 Any debit/credit amount under %1 is not payable/refundable.
9776 Please take note that the refund case(s) %1 exist(s) in which money is transferred to the selected tax account %2.
9777 There is at least one assessment, in the list of transfer, that has been reassessed since the creation of this refund. Please return the case for modification.
9778 The assessment on the refund case has been reassessed but not calculated. Please finalize the reassessment case before the refund can be processed.
9779 For this tax type, it should be a tax period. Please enter an active tax period.
9780 Charge type group number should be: 1,2,3 or 4.
9781 A transfer from refund %1 fully covers the debt of this %2, therefore it cannot be selected in the current refund.
9782 Please take note that a transfer from pending refund %1 partially covers the debt of this %2, therefore balances to pay have been adjusted accordingly.
9784 Invalid file format. Please use a CSV file.
9785 Unable to read the document.
9786 An approved amount was entered, therefore, approval information must be entered.
9787 At least one tax period for this tax type must be configured before accepting the creation of a tax account. Please contact the System Administrator.
9788 You cannot print this type of letter for a closed, initially suspended or a suspended tax account.
9789 Please approve or reject manual transaction for this assessment before creating assessment notice.
9790 The application has been configured so that you need to click at least once on the "Check Liabilities" button before changing this refund case transaction status to "Pending Final Approval".
9791 Double click to text edition.
9792 Penalties/Interest have not been recalculated.
9793 There is a gap in the current combination of date ranges. Do you want to continue?
9794 The balance to be refunded is under %1. Please adjust either the transferred amount or the approved amount so the balance to be refunded is null or over %1.
9795 Please select a Form Version for both assessments.
9796 This certificate is expired. You cannot revoke it.
9797 The report has not been saved. Do you wish to continue?
9798 The penalties and interests will be recalculated based on the payment date and automatic distribution of the amount to pay will be made by the system. Would you like to continue?
9799 The penalties and interests cannot be calculated because the assessment is not up-to-date. Do you want to continue?
9800 Are you sure you want to post or reject the selected transaction(s)?