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Documentation | User Guide

Create a tax schedule - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating tax schedules.

Tax Schedule

Screen Name Page
Tax Schedule 509:15791
Type Name Details
Field Schedule ID A free text to capture a unique identifier to each schedule (20 characters maximum)
Field always enabled, manually captured
Field Schedule Name Free text allowing the user to enter a unique name for the schedule (100 characters maximum)
Field always enabled, manually captured
Button Save Saves the Schedule information, keeps the user in the page Tax Schedule (509:15791) and enables the schedule versions section.
Validation rules:
If the entered Schedule ID or Schedule Name exists already an error message is raised.
Button Save & Create Saves the Schedule information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture a new one.
Validation rules:If the entered Schedule ID or Schedule Name exists already an error message is raised.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Tax Schedule.
Validation rules:
If this tax form has matching schedule versions, then an error message is generated -6961 “Cannot delete Schedule record while dependent Schedule Version record exists.”
Bottom section
Type Name Details
Display Field Schedule Version The number automatically assigned by SIGTAS to each schedule version created.
Display Field Creation Date The creation date of the version.
Display Field Layout Type The layout type of the matrix
Checkbox Cells all configured A selected checkbox indicates that all the cells of the version are configured.
Button Column/Line Labels A click on this button opens the Column/Line Labels pop-up window (509:15791) in which the user can set up the labels for the columns and lines according to the schedule structure.
Each column or line label entered represents a “Column” or a “Line” in the Matrix
Button Clear Following a click on this button, the user receives a confirmation message: -9578: “Are you sure you want to clear the schedule configuration?”
Clicking “Yes”, the schedule configuration of the selected version will be cleared
Clicking “No”, the schedule configuration remains unchanged.
Button Preview Schedule A click on this button will open the screen Preview schedule (509:15800) in simulation mode, allowing the user to display the schedule and to simulate the results in order to validate the schedule configuration.
No saving or modifying the database is possible from this screen when opened in “Simulation” mode.
Button See link info Displays all the links between the schedule version and other schedules or tax forms.
Button Show Matrix A click on this button displays the Cell Configuration (509:15796) popup window allowing the user to set up a cell’s behaviour using various options.
This button will remain empty until the Column/Line Labels configuration is completed.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the page Schedule Version (509:15792) allowing the user to add a new version to the Schedule.
Button Copy Previous Version Following a click on this button, the user receives a confirmation message: -9575: “Are you sure you want to create a new version from the preceding one?”
Clicking “Yes”, a copy of the immediately preceding schedule version will be created (same layout type, columns, lines and cell configuration).
Clicking “No”, no copy is created.
This button is available only if the schedule has at least a version configured.
Schedule version pop-up window
Type Name Details
Display Field Schedule Version A number will be automatically assigned to Schedule Version using the next available sequence number.
Display only
Display Field Creation Date Contains today’s date.
Display only
LoV Layout Type The number of the layout attached to the form version.
A LoV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘SCHED_LAYOUT_TYPE’.
Possible values:
Fixed # of Lines with a predefined description.
Variable # of Lines without a description.
Button Save Saves the schedule version, closes the popup window Schedule Version (509:15792) and redirects the user to the page Tax Schedule (509:15791) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Button Save&Create Saves the schedule version, keeps the user on the same window and clears all fields in order to be able to capture new schedule versions.
Button Delete Deletes a schedule version.
Displayed only while consulting an existing version.
Validation rules:
A schedule version cannot be deleted if a dependent schedule cell has been configured or if it is associated to an assessment, to a form line or to a tax function.
Columns tab - Column/Line Labels pop-up window
Type Name Details
Display Field Column Displays the column identification automatically generated by SIGTAS in alphabetical order.
Display Field Column Label Column description
Display Field Result Displays the predefined actions in a SIGTAS database table; these values can be selected in specific cases where a column Result cell performs a generic operation applicable for the entire column.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the page Column Label (509:15794) allowing the user to configure new columns.
Lines tab - Column/Line Labels pop-up window
Type Name Details
Display Field Line Displays the line number automatically generated by SIGTAS in ascending numerical order.
Field Line Label Free text allowing the user to enter a description for the line
Icon Arrows Moves the line down/up a position, to select a line position
Column Label pop-up window
Type Name Details
Field Column The column identification.
Every time a column is created, the system automatically assigns the next alphabetic sequential value for this record.
Display only
Field Column Label Allows the user to enter the label of the column.
LoV Result Displays the actions that the field must perform to obtain the result, predefined in a SIGTAS database table; these values can be selected in specific cases where a column Result cell performs a generic operation applicable for the entire column.
If this field is empty, then no result is displayed for the column. Otherwise, if a value is selected, a Result field will be displayed in the matrix of the Cell configuration page (509:15796).
A LoV is available for selection.
Possible values:
Sum = Adds all the numbers in the column.
Average = Returns the average value of the cells in the column.
Max = Returns the largest value from the cells in the column.
Min = Returns the smallest value from the cells in the column.
Count = Returns the total number of non-null cells in the column.
Button Save Saves the column information, closes the popup window Column Label (509:15794) and redirects the user to the page Column/Line Labels (509:15793) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
It is not allowed to add columns to a schedule version linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed, otherwise a warning message is generated -20139 “This schedule version is linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed. You cannot create records here.”
The column cannot be modified if the schedule version is linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed, otherwise a warning message is generated -20140 “This schedule version is linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed. You cannot modify records.”
Button Save and Create Saves the column information, keeps the user on the same window and clears all fields in order to be able to capture new columns.
Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Deletes a column.
Displayed only while consulting an existing column.
Once the column is deleted:
The list of columns is automatically rearranged, and the record position indicated by the alphabetic sequence is updated showing the new order.
All the corresponding cells in the schedule matrix layout are also deleted.
Validation rules:
It is not allowed to delete columns from a schedule version linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed, otherwise a warning message is generated -20138 “This schedule version is linked to an assessment that has been calculated and printed. You cannot delete this record.”
Cell Configuration pop-up window
Type Name Details
Field Column The alphabetic column identification followed by the column label, previously defined for the Schedule using the Column/Line Labels pop-up window.
Automatically populated once a cell is selected.Display only
Field Line The numeric line identification eventually followed by the line label (in case of Fixed # of lines layout), previously defined for the Schedule using the Column/Line Labels pop-up window.
Automatically populated once a cell is selected.
For variable # of lines layout, Line field displays “1” by default and Line label is empty.
Display only
LoV Cell Type Defines the type of data that the field will handle.
A LoV is available for selection.
Possible values:
This field is disabled if the Bring From option is configured for the cell.
Checkbox Amount Allows the user to indicate if the cell is an amount or not. If it is an amount, then it will be able to support the multicurrency feature.
Enabled and checked only if the Cell Type value is “Number”. Otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Field Fixed Value Allows the System Administrator to configure a fixed value according to the cell type selected so that the user cannot enter the field.
The field is disabled if:
No cell type is selected
“Bring From” option is configured for the cell or
“Formula” option is configured for the cell or
“Function” option is configured for the cell
Cleared if Cell Type is changed.
Checkbox Disable - A selected check box signifies that no data entry can be captured for this schedule cell.
- If deselected, data entry can be captured in this schedule cell.
The check box is disabled if the Mandatory check box is selected.
Checkbox Mandatory A selected check box signifies that data entry is mandatory for this schedule cell.
The check box is disabled if the Disable check box is selected.
Button Bring From A click on this button opens the Bring Value From pop-up window (509:15287) to set up the configuration of the cell which will be brought from another cell on the same schedule, a cell on another schedule or a line from a tax form.
Button disabled by default. Enabled once a Cell type is selected.
It is disabled under the following conditions:
No cell type is selected
“Fixed Value” option is configured for the cell; or
“Bring From” option is configured for the cell or
“Formula” option is configured for the cell or
“Function” option is configured for the cell.
If configured, shows the name of the tax form or tax schedule in the field next to the button (for information purposes).
Checkbox Previous Period If selected, the value will come from the line or the cell specified in the Bring From pop-up window but from the immediately preceding period that the tax form currently has.
Previous Period: Do not allow to perform Carry From operation when the Tax Type is different.
Enabled only if the “Bring From” option is configured for the cell.
Field Formula Allows to enter the formula for calculation required to be done for this cell.
The button is disabled and set to null if
“Cell type” is not equal to “Number”
“Fixed Value” option is configured for the cell; or
“Bring From” option is configured for the cell; or
“Function” option is configured for the cell.
LoV Function Displays the list of predefined tax functions. The functions must be defined and coded, in the Tax Function page (509:7026), according to the requirements.
The list is restricted to tax functions of type “Conditional Statements”.
The field is disabled and set to null if
Fixed Value option is configured for the cell; or
Bring From option is configured for the cell; or
Formula option is configured for the cell.
LoV Cell Total Type Displays the list of predefined cell total types.
Each cell total type can be used in a tax schedule one time. Once it is configured for one cell of the schedule, it is no longer available in the list of values for that schedule.
A LoV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘LINE TOTAL TYPE’.
Field Note A free text to enter any additional notes related to a specific cell.
Button Save Saves the changes and keeps the user on the same page for further set up.
Available only if a cell is selected.
Validation rules:
Before saving the formula is verified, in case of problem an error message is raised -20128 “An error was found within the formula.”
Button Delete Deletes a cell configuration.
Displayed only while consulting an existing cell configuration.
Validation rules:
If this cell has matching schedule versions, then an error message is generated -6961 “Cannot delete sched cell while dependent Sched version record exists.”