Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Add a photo to an individual taxpayer

This guide segment explains how to add a photo to an individual taxpayer.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Taxpayers

  1. Go to the Tax Roll module;
  2. Choose the Taxpayers menu. This action opens the List of Taxpayers page (501:9000);

Step 2 - Choose the taxpayer

  1. Go to the Search Criteria section;
  2. Choose the Individual option;
  3. Find the individual for whom you want to add a photo;
  4. Click on the TIN of the individual subject of the request. This action opens the Individual page (501:2014);

Step 3 - Add Photo

  1. Go to the General Information section;
  2. Click the Edit button. This opens the File To Upload pop-up;

  1. Click the Choose File button and choose the photo to upload to your computer;
  2. Click the Load button. This action confirms the addition of the photo and updates the General Information section;

Step 4 - Add Photo

  1. Go to the General Information section;
  2. Click on the Take Photo button; This action opens the Take Photo pop-up;

  1. Click Capture to take the photo;
  2. Click Save; This action adds the photo and updates the General Information section;
  3. Click Exit to close the pop-up window.