Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30701 to 30800

The following table displays error message codes from 30701 to 30800.

Message Code Description
30701 The start date must be equal or greater than the enterprise start date.
30702 You must enter at least 1 records for the establishment address.
30703 You must enter one main activity for this form.
30704 You cannot enter end date for main activity.
30705 You cannot access the TIN validation webpage from an unregistered IP address. Please contact the system administrator.
30706 Insertion success.
30707 An email was sent.
30708 Sign up successful. An email was sent to you with your count information.
30709 A password has been sent to your e-mail address.
30710 You have successfully completed the online taxpayer registration. Please check your email address for further instructions. Thank you.
30711 A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.
30712 Update with success.
30713 Your profile has been modified successfully.
30714 Your password has been changed successfully.
30715 Home address is mandatory.
30716 You have to enter this number of record(s) for list:
30717 Please enter at least one transaction before continuing.
30718 You must accept the terms and conditions before submitting.
30719 The tax division must have a start date.
30720 The assessment cannot be calculated since an opening balance exists while there is a form line configured with a line total type "Transfert".
30721 %1 can only be selected when tax type reference is "Government Lease".
30722 The combination of "%1", "%2" and "%3" must be unique.
30723 This period already has an opening balance credit amount, so assessing (using SIGTAS) is not allowed for this period. Reverse the opening balance credit amount or assess this period manually.
30724 A lease term must be linked to the lease and an amount must be linked to the lease term before saving.
30725 A date overlapping is not allowed for the selected lease property.
30726 A date overlapping is not allowed for the same combination of tax account and property / property-part.
30727 You cannot proceed with this change, doing so would affect existing assessment notices.
30728 The cancel date must be greater than %1 because an assessment notice already exists for the period %2.
30729 All children tax accounts are either closed or suspended during the selected tax period (s).
30730 A cancel date has been entered. This may have an impact on existing lease terms and/or amounts. Do you want to continue?
30731 A cancel date has been removed. The end date of the lease term will become the end date of the lease. Do you want to continue?
30732 You cannot have more than one tax type with tax type reference equal to "%1".
30733 You cannot have more than one tax account with tax type "%1".
30734 This document is assigned to a batch that is still at Creation status.
30735 This tax type "%1" is available only for a government enterprise.
30736 The tax payer does not have ownership of this lease property for the extended period.
30737 You cannot have more than one lease type with "Government Lease" unchecked.
30738 Remittance form(s) will be created. Do you wish to continue?
30739 An assessment already exists for the same tax period with document: %1.
30740 The combination of "%1", "%2", "%3" and "%4" must be unique.
30741 This tax type cannot be linked to this revenue code. The budget type of the tax type must be "%1".
30742 This GL code must be linked to the tax transaction type "%1".
30743 This combination of TIN, tax account and tax period already exist on batch %1.
30744 The assessment is not up-to-date. Do you want to continue?
30745 Invalid login credentials.
30746 The line %1 could not be extracted from uploaded csv file.
30747 You cannot delete this record. Values will not be consecutive to the values entered in other records.
30748 Wrong character on the field separator.
30749 Based on a yearly tax to pay of %1, you are required to pay %2%. Taking into consideration previous payments/transfers for the above tax period, you are required to pay %3 by the filing date shown above.
30750 This batch cannot be reactivated because it is linked to a closed fiscal roll.
30751 Transfer not possible. This %1 does not exists.
30752 This file contains no document, it cannot be borrowed or reserved.
30753 The taxpayer has credits / surplus in his accounts which can cover the amounts owed (account balances are at 0 or in credit). The surplus amounts must be used before creating a collection case.
30754 You are not authorized to %1 this document type.