The following table displays error message codes from 1001 to 1100.
Message Code | Description |
1007 | This field is required. |
1008 | The TIN does not exist. |
1009 | An invalid TIN has been captured. |
1028 | Do you really want to delete this record? |
1029 | Do you want save this record? |
1030 | This record has not been saved. |
1031 | This tax type does not exist. |
1032 | You cannot delete the form while a dependent form version exists. |
1033 | A row already exists with the same form no. |
1034 | A row already exists with the same title. |
1035 | No primary key row hs been found for the value in the tax type no. |
1036 | A row already exists with the same form no. |
1037 | A row already exists with the same form no. |
1038 | Unable to change/delete this form. A document is attached. |
1039 | Unable to change/delete this tax type. A document is attached to this form. |
1040 | Unable to delete this form. A form version is attached. |
1041 | Fail to initialize the enter date from the table sys.dual. |
1042 | Fail to initialize the modify date from the table sys.dual. |
1043 | You cannot delete the inactive by while a dependent inactive period exists. |
1044 | A row already exists with the same inactive by. |
1046 | A row already exists with the same other inactive by. |
1047 | A row already exists with the same no. |
1048 | You cannot delete the inactive type while a dependent tax inactive period exists. |
1049 | A row already exists with the same inactive type. |
1051 | A row already exists with the same inactive type other. |
1052 | Please enter a form no. |
1053 | The revision date must be before the effective date. |
1054 | You cannot delete the form version attached to a tax period or used to create documents. |
1055 | Insert of form version must be in context of the form. |
1056 | You cannot change the form version attached to tax periods or used to create forms. |
1057 | You cannot delete the form version attached to tax periods or used to create forms. |
1058 | A row already exists with the same form no. and effective date. |
1059 | A row already exists with the same version no. |
1060 | You cannot delete a tax object type while a dependent tax object exists. |
1062 | A row already exists with the same tax object type description. |
1063 | A row already exists with the same form no. and effective date. |
1064 | No row exits in the table cg_code_controls. |
1066 | A row already exists with the same tax object type other description. |
1067 | This version of the form must take effect after the previous version. |
1068 | This version of the form must be revised after the previous version. |
1069 | This tax object type description does not exist. |
1070 | You cannot delete a tax object while a dependent tax transaction exists. |
1071 | No primary key row has been found for the value in tax_object_type_no. |
1072 | A row already exists with the same tax object description. |
1074 | A row already exists with the same tax object other description. |