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Documentation | User Guide

Create a tax form - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating tax forms.

Tax Form

Screen Name Page
Tax Form 509:1004
Type Name Details
Field Form No. A free text to enter a unique number to each form (15 characters maximum)
Creation Mode: Field always enabled, manually captured
Update Mode: Display only.
Checkbox Consolidated Form A selected checkbox means that this form is a consolidated form.
Default value: unchecked.
Always enabled.
LoV Tax Type The tax type associated to the tax form.
Creation Mode: A LoV is available from the List of Tax Types (509:2231) page for selection.
Update Mode: Display only
Field Form title Free text allowing the user to enter a unique title for the form.
A click on the planet icon redirects the user to the page Dictionary (509 :50005) to add/modify the translation of the form title in the languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509 :3030), using the page Translation (509:50006) called by the Create button or the pen icon.
The planet icon is visible only if Form Title is not null
Field Description Free text allowing the user to enter a unique description for the form.
A click on the planet icon redirects the user to the page Dictionary (509 :50005) to add/modify the translation of the form description in the languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509 :3030), using the page Translation (509:50006) called by the Create button or the pen icon.
The planet icon is visible only if Description is not null.
Field Introduction Text Free text allowing the user to enter an introductory text for the form (4000 characters max).
A click on the planet icon redirects the user to the page Dictionary (509 :50005) to add/modify the translation of the introduction text in the languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509 :3030), using the page Translation (509:50006) called by the Create button or the pen icon.
The planet icon is visible only if Introduction Text is not null.
Button Save Saves the Form information, keeps the user in the page Tax Form (509:1004) and enables the Form Versions section.
Validation rules: If the entered Form Title or Description exists already an error message is raised.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing tax form.
Validation rules:
If this tax form has matching form versions, then an error message is generated -30427 “You cannot delete master record when matching detail records exist.”
Form Versions section
Screen Name Page
Tax Form 509:1004
Type Name Details
Display field Version No. The number automatically assigned by SIGTAS to each form version created.
Display field Revision date The date on which the version was revised.
Display field Effective Date The date on which the version becomes effective.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the page Form Version (509:3084) allowing the user to add a new version to the form.
Form Version

This screen can be called from the page Tax Form (509:1004) by clicking on the Create button to allow the user to add a new version to the form, or by clicking on the pen icon to consult and eventually update or delete an existing form version.

Screen Name Page
Form Version 509:3084
Type Name Details
Field Form No. Identifies the form attached to the version.
Display only.
Field Tax Type The tax type associated to the form.
Display only
Field Form Title Displays the title of the form.
Display only
Field Version No. The number automatically generated by SIGTAS after saving a newly created form version.
Display only
Field Revision date The date on which the version was revised.
Date picker.
Validation rules:
(1) This revision date should be greater than any previous version revision date, otherwise an error message is generated -1068 “This version of the form must have been revised after the previous version”
(2) Revision date should be less than Effective Date, otherwise an error message is generated -1053 “Revision date must be before effective date.
Field Effective Date The date on which the version becomes effective.
Date picker
Validation rules:
An Effective Date cannot be assigned to a form more than once, otherwise an error message is generated -9180 “The combination of Form No. and Start Date should be unique”
Checkbox Print if Assess amount = 0 If checked, an assessment notice will be printed even if the amount of tax to pay is zero.
Checkbox Print Nothing For Remittance If checked, no remittance will be printed.
Checkbox Need Remittance for Assess If checked, this form version must have a remittance form filed by the taxpayer (in other words, you cannot use the Immediate Assessment feature with this form).
Field Has Installment Identifies which tax type is used as an installment tax for this tax form version, if applicable. A LoV is available from the page List of Tax Types (509:2231) for selection. The list is restricted to installment tax types.
Field Remittance Notice Type Specifies the type of remittance notice layout to be used.
A LoV is available from the page List of Remittance Notice Reports (509:16600).
A click on the LoV redirects the user to the Select a Remittance Notice Type popup (509:4034) for selection.
Validation rules:
This field should have some value if the flag Print Nothing For Remittance is checked, otherwise an error message is generated -6091 “Remittance notice type number must be entered”.
Field Assessment Notice Type Specifies the type of assessment notice layout to be used.
A LoV is available from the page List of Assessment Notice Reports (509:16630).
A click on the LoV redirects the user to the Select an Assessment Notice Type popup (509:4032) for selection.
Field installment Tax Type for Consolidated Form If the instalment is on a consolidated form, this is used to indicate the tax type used for instalment.
A LoV is available from the page List of Tax Types (509:2231) for selection.
The list contains all tax types
Field Algorithm Variable Group Algorithm Variable to be used in the Mass Valuation.
Available and mandatory only if Tax Type Reference is Valuation Algorithm (Tax Type Reference No =38).
A LoV is available for selection.
Button Save Saves the version information, keeps the user in the page Form Version (509:3084) and enables the Assessment Notices section.
Displayed only if no tax period is associated to the form version.
Note:If the form version is associated to a tax period, then all the fields are display only and the buttons Save and Save and Create are unavailable.
Button Save&Create Saves the Version information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture a new form version.
Display only if no tax period is associated to the form version.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing form version.
Validation rules:
A form version cannot be deleted if it is attached to a form line or to a tax period
Assessment Notices section
Screen Name Page
Form Version 509:3084
Type Name Details
Display Field letter No. Specifies the layout to attached to the form version.
A hyperlink to the popup page Add a Form Layout (509:12017)
Display Field Letter Title The title of the letter (layout)
Display Field Letter Type The type of the notice
Display Field Letter Subtype The subtype of the notice if the notice has a subtype.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the page Add a Form Layout (509:12017) allowing the user to add a new layout to the version.
Add a Form Layout pop-up window

This screen can be called from the page Form Version (509:3084) by clicking on the Create button to allow the user to add a new layout to the version, or by clicking on the pen icon to consult and eventually delete an existing layout.

Screen Name Page
Add a Form Layout pop-up window 509:12017
Type Name Details
LoV Letter No. The number of the layout attached to the form version.
Creation Mode:
A click on the LoV redirects the user to the Select Form Layout popup page (509:12018) for selection.
The popup displays the List of Letters and Reminders from the List of Assessment Notice Reports page (509:16630) restricted to letters of type:
Update Mode:Display only
Display field Letter Title The title of the letter (layout)
Automatically populated once the Letter No. has been selected
Display field Letter Type The type of the notice
Automatically populated once the Letter No. has been selected
Display field Letter Subtype The subtype of the notice if the notice has a subtype.
Automatically populated, if any, once the Letter No. has been selected
Button Save Saves the layout information, closes the popup window Add a Form Layout (509:12017) and redirects the user to the page Form Version (509:3084) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Displayed in creation mode only.
Button Save&Create Saves the layout information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture a new form version.
Displayed in creation mode only.
Button Delete Displayed only while consulting an existing layout.