Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9101 to 9200

The following table displays error message codes from 9101 to 9200.

Message Code Description
9101 The tax type of this assessment does not match the tax type associated to this batch.
9102 This taxpayer does not have any tax account registered in the %1 tax division.
9103 This tax account does not exist or is not registered in the %1 tax division.
9104 This employee already has this role in this date interval.
9105 All the employee-role relations for this or these role(s) will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
9106 You must select a role to use the manage from model section.
9107 %1 employee-role relations have been saved for %2 role(s).
9108 %1 employee-role relation has been saved for %2 role(s).
9109 %1 component-role relations have been saved for %2 role(s).
9110 %1 component-role relation has been saved for %2 role(s).
9111 All the component-role relations for this or these role(s) will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
9112 Transaction completed: %1 record(s) deleted.
9113 %1 component-role relations have been saved for %2 component(s).
9114 %1 component-role relation has been saved for %2 component(s).
9115 This SIGTAS_table is not a standard base table.
9116 The description must not exceed %1 characters for this table.
9117 The code must have exactly 5 digits.
9118 The document code (uniref) is not defined for this tax type.
9119 The "allow payment of multiple tax types with one document" flag cannot be checked if the "allow payment of multiple tax periods with one document" flag is not checked.
9120 This tooltip is invalid.
9121 You have not been granted any role to use SIGTAS, please contact your system administrator.
9122 The roles you have do not give you any rights in SIGTAS. Please contact your system administrator.
9123 The message number %1 is no longer in use. Please contact technical support.
9124 The message number %1 is invalid. Please contact technical support.
9125 The business licence %1 is already assigned to another taxpayer (%2). Please choose another one.
9126 The business licence %1 is already active for this taxpayer. Please choose another one or modify the dates to avoid overlapping.
9127 Please enter a value in the following fields: %1.
9128 The start date must be greater than the registration date.
9129 The start date must be greater than or equal to the enterprise start date.
9130 This licence number has already been registered for the enterprise %1.
9131 The assignation date must be later than the registration date.
9132 The start date must be equal or later than the assignation date.
9133 This field is only used if external tins are allowed. Check the corresponding flag to allow external tins.
9134 Employee %1 does not have a primary employer.
9135 The %1 cannot be %2 than today's date.
9136 You cannot reprint an already printed certificate. Please create a new request.
9137 NIC is invalid.
9138 An enterprise should have one and only one main activity. If you want to delete this activty, you have to assign the main activity flag to another activity.
9139 Deleting the inspector name will also delete the visit date and comment. Do you want to continue?
9140 If you want to remove the main activity flag from this actibity, assign it to another activity first.
9141 The establishment start date must be equal or higher than the enterprise registration date.
9142 The establishment start date should be equal or lower than the today's date.
9143 This officer already exist. Please choose another one.
9144 The percentage of shares entered is greater 100.
9147 The transfer application date must be entered.
9148 This cannot be pressed unless the status of refund request is "pending approval".
9149 The document cannot be printed until the existing one is discarded.
9150 The document must be printed before the refund can be approved.
9151 The bank information for the refund must be entered under the Payment tab before printing the form.
9152 Please ensure that the correct bank information for the refund is entered before printing the form. Do you wish to continue?
9153 At least one of assessments to which transfers are to be made has been reassessed. You must update the assessment no.
9154 The installment method is mandatory.
9155 The "Administrative Refund Form Is Required For Refunds" flag must be checked to be able to check this flag.
9156 Either a document type or a letter type must be selected. You cannot select both at the same time.
9157 Assess no %1 is causing assessment duplication within the same tax account and tax period.
9158 No data updated to print certificate.
9159 This certificate has been revoked successfully.
9160 This batch number does not exist.
9161 You cannot associate a remittance with tax year different from batch year.
9162 A payment location, or tax type or tax division must be entered.
9163 You are not allowed to see this document. Please try another one.
9164 You are not allowed to see this assessment. Please try another one.
9170 The remittance notice type must be specified in the tax form (form no %1).
9171 The batch status must be "Ready to Assess" to create notices.
9172 The batch status must be "Ready to Assess" to create notices.
9174 At least one certificate status must be entered.
9175 All the employee-role relations for this or these employee(s) will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
9176 You must select an employee before using the manage from model section.
9177 %1 employee-role relations have been saved for %2 employee(s).
9178 %1 employee-role relation has been saved for %2 employee(s).
9179 At least "%1" or "%2" must be entered.
9180 The combination of "%1" and "%2" must be unique.
9181 A letter with the same title exists already.
9182 The previous system TIN entered is currently in used in SIGTAS or has been allocated in an application.
9183 An active interest for refund is already selected.
9184 The exit date is null. You cannot enter the return date.
9185 The exit date is out of range. Please enter a new request.
9186 %1 cannot be greater than %2.
9187 This document belongs to a ready assessed batch.
9188 You are not authorized to make calculation. Only audit manager and audit supervisor are authorized.
9189 A value is required for revised.
9190 %1 must be inserted first.
9191 The tax period has been already used in an assessment. You cannot change the flags.
9192 Double-clicking the mouse has no function here.
9193 This %1 is already registered with this %2.
9194 This imposition base is already used by a tax account. It cannot be updated or deleted.
9195 This %1 already exists: %2.
9196 Please enter a NIC or a TIN.
9197 Your transfer year must be greater or equal to %1.
9199 A refund has been done from this assessment. Do you want to continue?
9200 Duplicate assessment numbers are not allowed.