Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide


The following tables list the cross references between the data configured in the Administration module value tables and the Assessment module pages.


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Capture Estimated Assessment Pop-up window Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Capture Estimated Assessment Pop-up window Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Capture Remittance Pop-up window - Simplified option Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Capture Remittance Pop-up window - Simplified option Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Create Batches 502:3004 Batch Type Standard Base Tables 509:6000
Create Estimated Installment Amount 502:7000 Requested by Standard Base Tables 509:6000
Create Estimated Installment Amount 502:7000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Create Immediate Assessment in Batch 502:4004 Form No Operations/Forms/Tax Form 509:1004
Create Immediate Assessment in Batch 502:4004 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Create Immediate Assessment in Batch 502:4004 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Taxpayer Documents

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Print Remittance Form for a Taxpayer 502:3001 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Print Remittance Form for a Taxpayer 502:3001 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Document in Batch

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Installment in Batch 502:7004 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Create Installment in Batch 502:7004 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Create Remittance in Batch 502:3002 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Create Remittance in Batch 502:3002 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Create Remittance in Batch 502:3002 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Eligible Activity to an Exonerated and Suspended Project 502: 6002 Activity Bases Table/Taxpayers Infos/Enterprise Info 509:16862
Add Good and Services to an Exonerated and Suspended Project 502:6002 Product Base Tables/Product 509:15020
Create Exonerated and Suspended Project 502:6002 Project Type Base Tables/Assessment/Projects Type 509:4012
Create Exonerated and Suspended Project 502:6002 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Projects - List of Exonerated or Suspended Projects 502:10001 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Display Statistics On Assessments with Remittances 502:10000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Display Statistics On Remittances 502:10002 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Report - Consolidated Balance Notice 502:8023 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Excise Charge Summary 502:8008 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Filers 502:8021 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Filers 502:8021 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Generic Report File 502:10025 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Income Tax - Payers IMF 502:8003 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Immediate Assessment Summary 502:8031 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Form Version and Periods 502:8019 Form No Operations/Forms/Tax Form 509:1004
Report - List Input Errors 502:10023 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - List Input Errors 502:10023 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - List of Payment Without Statements 502:10021 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - List of Payment Without Statements 502:10021 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Manufactured Goods Summary - Excise Taxes 502:8006 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Non-Filers (No Remittance) 502:8022 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Non-Filers (No Remittance) 502:8022 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Tax Collection List 502:8001 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Tax Collection List 502:8001 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Tax Periods Without Assessments 502:8013 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Tax Periods Without Assessments 502:8013 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Taxation Threshold 502:8002 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Taxation Threshold 502:8002 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Taxpayer Account Summary By Tax Period 502:10020 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Unliquidated Statements 502:8020 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Unliquidated Statements 502:8020 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001