Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1701 to 1800

The following table displays error message codes from 1701 to 1800.

Message Code Description
1701 You cannot delete a charge type while a dependent charge comment exists.
1702 A row already exists with the same charge description.
1703 You cannot delete a tax transaction type while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.
1704 You cannot delete a tax transaction type while a dependent arrears transaction exists.
1705 A row already exists with the same tax transaction type description.
1720 The select details of the document ready to be printed.
1721 No document exists with this document number.
1722 You cannot delete a corporation while a dependent taxpayer exists.
1723 You cannot delete an individual while a dependent taxpayer exists.
1724 You cannot delete an individual while a dependent individual spouse exists.
1725 You cannot delete an individual while an individual dependent exists.
1726 Transferred to tax.
1727 Transferred to penalty.
1728 Transferred to interest.
1729 You cannot delete an individual while a dependent employment exists.
1730 No taxpayer exists with this taxpayer no.
1740 Invalid job number. Please re-enter.
1741 Job no. does not exist.
1742 There were no errors/warnings in job no.
1743 Number of copies must be greater than zero.
1744 A row already exists with the same job no.
1745 The job no. is required.
1760 The specified job does not exist.
1761 No error/warning report to print. The job had no errors or warnings.
1762 Error/warning report is being prepared.
1763 You cannot delete an exemption type while a dependent is linked to an existing inactivity.
1764 A row already exists with the same exemption other type description.
1780 You cannot delete an interest where to apply while a dependent interest exists.
1781 Server_msg,
1782 A row already exists with the same other apply interest on.
1784 A row already exists with the same apply interest on.
1800 This applied to does not exist.