Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 8901 to 9100

The following table displays error message codes from 8901 to 9100.

Message Code Description
9017 Carry-Forward type exists for this version.
9037 Both percentage and number of months must be entered.
9038 Error in finding the form line.
9039 Error in finding the tax type reference.
9040 The TIN validation is set to automatic.
9041 This existing TIN should be empty in order to validate.
9042 This status should be awaiting validation in order to validate.
9043 The user must be a tax roll supervisor in order to accomplish this task.
9044 The existing TIN should be entered.
9045 This TIN application does not exist.
9046 This TIN validation is set manual.
9047 The status should be opened in order to request validation.
9048 The user must be a tax roll or a tax roll supervisor in order to accomplish this task.
9049 All required documents should be received before processing.
9050 No results found based on selected criteria. The report has not been produced.
9051 The user must be with role: data entry or tax roll or tax roll supervisor in order to accomplish this task.
9052 The status should be TIN allocated in order to request supervisor verification.
9053 The status should be awaiting supervisor verification in order to enroll taxpayer.
9054 Only non-individual taxpayers must be in context of associated businesses.
9055 The start date cannot precede the corporation start date of the taxpayer.
9056 An overlapping dates with a same associated has already been entered.
9057 The TIN certificate cannot be printed at this tax division, as it is not the taxpayer's main tax division.
9058 Date overlapping is not allowed for the same combination of tax type, tax authority and penalty no.
9059 Date overlapping is not allowed for the same combination of tax type, tax authority and interest no.
9060 A record already exists for the same combination of tax type, tax authority and penalty no.
9061 A record already exists for the same combination of tax type, tax authority and interest no.
9062 The chosen application form type is not applicable to the selected taxpayer.
9063 All mandatory fields must be entered before.
9064 This application does not require manual verification, and so cannot be viewed.
9065 The status should be manual verification required in order to approve the request.
9066 The status should be manual verification required in order to reject the request.
9067 You cannot delete an interest while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.
9068 Basic information (tin certificate) has changed. A new TIN certificate must be printed.
9069 Read_all_tax_centres is not defined in ird_employee.
9070 Use_tax_auth_fl is not define in SIGTAS_rules.
9071 An end date must be entered for the previous combination of the tax type and the tax authority.
9072 Date overlapping is not allowed for the same combination of tax type and tax authority.
9073 The taxpayer already has an active certificate. Please revoke it before printing a new one.
9074 You must select either a certificate no or a taxpayer and certificate type before querying.
9075 You cannot delete a suffix while a dependent assessment exists.
9076 The entered quantity value must not be zero or negative.
9079 Error in trigger %1. Please contact technical support.
9080 All the translations will be removed from the dictionnary. Are you sure you want to erase this record?
9081 This description, context, message code and tooltip flag already exist in the dictionnary.
9082 There is already a translation in this language for this description.
9083 %1 has to be created in the dictionnary in order to translate it. Do you want to create it?
9084 The value entered for this "%1" is invalid.
9085 The table %1 does not exist in the "SIGTAS_table" table.
9086 General error in %1.
9087 The user "%1" is not a valid SIGTAS user.
9088 You do not have the proper rights to enter into the "%1" %2.
9089 The TIN certificate must be printed before saving the certificate application form.
9090 To remove this record, delete it with the delete functionality.
9091 You must select a component before using the multiple roles section.
9092 %1 %2 have been saved.
9093 %1 %2 has been saved.
9094 On-line immediate assessment notice.
9095 All the existing accesses for this or these component(s) will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
9096 There are %1 in the old system that are not in the new system.
9097 The batch status cannot be updated because the number of documents to enter is different from the number of documents to calculate.
9098 Please specify a document or a batch before querying.
9099 No batch number has been entered. Do you want to continue?
9100 You cannot add assessments to a ready-to-assess batch. To move through assessments, use the arrows at the top of the screen.