Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 7901 to 8000

The following table displays error message codes from 7901 to 8000.

Message Code Description
7901 Duplicate domains are not allowed.
7902 You cannot delete this record. It is used by SIGTAS.
7903 This is not a valid category.
7904 First, you must enter a closing tax period for the previous record.
7905 The tax period is outside the range specified for the product tax type.
7906 The total production value captured has not been found.
7907 The ending value for the range cannot be earlier than its starting value.
7910 The total requested amount cannot be greater than the account balance.
7911 A tax credit certificate related to this refund is either cashed, paid out or not reserved.
7912 No tax credit certificate is still pending approval or circulating.
7913 There is no credit amount to write off.
7914 This certificate does not exist.
7915 This document cannot be discarded.
7916 This refund number does not exist.
7917 The refund cannot be given because the balance to be refunded is less than the minimum allowed.
7918 This reference no. does not exist.
7919 This payment type is not allowed for this tax type.
7920 This tax credit certificate does not belong to this taxpayer.
7921 This tax credit certificate was already used for payment.
7922 Have all the required measures been taken in case of enterprise closure?
7923 Enter the maximum number of taxpayers when include all.
7924 You cannot delete an agreement reason while a dependent payment agreement reason exists.
7925 You cannot delete an owner while a dependent assessment exists.
7926 The manual receipt no. must begin by "m".
7929 The TIN no. must be less than 5 000 0000 for the modification or the creation of a TIN number.
7930 The house no. and street or parcel must be entered.
7931 You cannot enter parcel no. when house no. or street is entered.
7932 This taxpayer exists as an employee. Please assign an end date less or equal to the entry date.
7933 A row already exists with the same %1 description.
7935 A row already exists with the same %1 description other.
7936 The employment start date must be less than the employee end date.
7937 The employment end date must be less or equal to the employee end date.
7938 This taxpayer exist in Tax Roll. Please assign an end date on the employee record.
7939 The record cannot be deleted. %1 exist for this %2.
7940 Only one entry per active tax type.
7942 You cannot delete an individual title while a dependent individual exists.
7943 You cannot delete an individual title while a dependent employee exists.
7944 You cannot delete a street type while a dependent employee exists.
7945 You cannot delete a street type while a dependent establishment exists.
7946 You cannot delete a street type while a dependent individual exists.
7947 You cannot delete a street type while a dependent taxpayer exists.
7948 You cannot delete a registration locality while a dependent taxpayer exists.
7949 You cannot delete a registration locality while a dependent individual birth registration locality exists.
7950 You cannot delete a certified registration center while a dependent taxpayer exists.
7951 You must enter a minimum type.
7952 Change the value of the field to monthly.
7953 The revised amount cannot be less than the sum of all invoices already approved for this project.
7954 The revision end date entered is earlier than the date of at least one invoice linked to this project.
7956 This product has already been assigned to this project.
7957 Please, enter the minimum amount for the exoneration.
7958 Please, enter the minimum cumulated amount for the invoices as of today.
7959 Invalid date range for the starting date of the exoneration.
7960 Invalid date range for the ending date of the exoneration.
7961 Invalid range for the amount of the exoneration.
7962 Invalid range for the cumulated invoice amount.
7964 Invalid range for the invoice date.
7965 Invalid range for the invoice amount.
7966 The duplicate tax type, product and period from are not allowed.
7967 First, close existing open period range for this product.
7968 You cannot delete this project type while a dependent project exists.
7969 You cannot delete this project type while a dependent line of an invoice exists.
7970 You cannot delete this hold reason while a dependent project exists.
7971 Invalid date range for the TIN registration date.
7972 Invalid range for the employee number.
7973 The date must be between %1 and %3.
7974 This project is blocked for the following reason: %1.
7975 You can modifiy only the temporary TIN number.
7976 You cannot delete this product while a dependent project exists.
7977 You cannot delete this product while a dependent line of an invoice exists.
7978 You cannot delete this product while a dependent tax type exists.
7979 You cannot delete this record while a dependent tax account-product-tax period exists.
7980 This is a category. You cannot have a unit of measure.
7981 Mark only one check box, not both.
7982 Invalid amount.It should not exceed %1.
7983 No tax credit certificate is ready to be printed for this refund.
7984 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing split certificate.
7985 The sum of the new certificates must be equal to the amount of the refund / original certificate.
7986 You cannot delete this street type while a dependent property part exists.
7987 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing property type.
7988 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing unit of measure.
7989 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing part of a property history.
7990 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing property aspect.
7991 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing property description.
7992 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing property part history.
7993 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing property profile aspect detail.
7994 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing product for a specific tax period.
7995 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing product.
7996 This is a category. It cannot have a product as parent.
7997 You cannot delete this record: it is linked to an existing crosschecking entry.
7998 Please select a tax law before pressing this button.
7999 The sum of ownership does not equal %1%.
8000 You have to create a tax account.