Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error message codes from 701 to 800

The following table displays error message codes from 701 to 800.

Message Code Description
711 You must enter a contact name first.
712 No primary key row found for the value in con_title_no.
713 No primary key row found for the value in trade_type_no.
714 No primary key row found for the value in ent_activity_no.
715 This business activity does not exist.
716 Duplicate business activities are not allowed.
717 This TIN already exists.
718 This TIN does not exist.
719 The start date cannot be greater than the end date.
720 The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.
721 Invalid number. Please re-enter.
722 Invalid enterprise number.
723 This taxpayer is not an enterprise.
724 Please enter at least one criteria to run this report.
725 This TIN does not exist.
726 One of the fields must be entered.
727 This type does not exist.
728 This taxpayer does not exist.
729 This TIN does not exist.
730 This enterprise no. does not exist.
731 The selected TIN does not exist.
732 Transaction completed: 1 record added and saved.
733 Frm-40353:query canceled.
734 You must enter a TIN or click the "find individual" button.
735 This function is not available for this form.
736 Please select an individual before pressing this button.
737 You must enter the bank branch address.
738 You must enter the bank name for the specified branch.
739 You must enter the bank where this account is held.
740 This country does not exist.
741 This bank name does not exist.
742 This address does not exist.
743 This representative taxpayer no. does not exist.
744 This representative type does not exist.
745 No primary key row found for the value in country_no.
746 No primary key row found for the value in branch_no.
747 No primary key row found for the value in bank_no.
748 No primary key row found for the value in rep_type_no.
749 No primary key row found for the value in rep_reason_no.
750 This representative reason does not exist.
751 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no.
752 A row already exists with the same social security no.
753 A row already exists with the same national card id.
754 A row already exists with the same other id.
755 The birth date cannot be after the deceased date.
756 No primary key row found for the value in sex_no.
757 The decease date cannot be after the current date.
758 This occupation does not exist.
759 This nationality does not exist.
760 You cannot enter maiden name for a single taxpayer.
761 Please enter a work phone no. before entering the extension no.
762 No primary key row found for the value in occupation_no.
763 No primary key row found for the value in nat_no.
764 No primary key row found for the value in mar_stat_no.
765 You cannot delete a taxpayer while an enterprise exists.
766 You cannot delete a taxpayer while an ownership exists.
767 You cannot delete this item while this taxpayer is the representative of another taxpayer.
768 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a document exists.
769 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a file exists.
770 You must enter at least one criteria to run this report.
771 This inactivity period end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
772 This person does not exist.
773 A taxpayer must be captured.
774 No employment history to print.
775 A taxpayer must be captured.
776 Please enter an enterprise number.
777 This registered name, foreign parent name does not exist.
778 Invalid enterprise number.
779 No enterprise found.
780 This enterprise does not exist.
781 Please enter an enterprise number.
782 The restart date must be greater than the start date.
783 This TIN does not exist.
784 No primary key row found for the value in tax_payer_no.
785 An enterprise cannot be an employee.
786 Individuals must be sixteen of age or older.
787 The start date must be less than the end date of the inactive period.
788 The restart date must be greater than the start date.
789 The end date is already captured. Restart the date is not necessary.
790 Please make sure the restart date is entered as soon as possible. It is necessary for report.
791 The restart date must be greater than the start date.
792 The restart date must be greater than the end date of the inactive period.
793 The end date must be greater than the start date of the inactive period.
794 The restart date must be greater than the start date.
795 The restart date must be greater than the end date of the inactive period.
796 The end date must be greater than the start date of the inactive period.
797 A row already exists with the same problem status no.
798 The enterprise is currently inactive.
799 An inactive period already exists for this date.
800 The current record start date must be greater than the former inactive period end date.