Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 3801 to 3900

The following table displays error message codes from 3801 to 3900.

Message Code Description
3817 The payment account close date must be greatest than the close date.
3818 You must enter a close date for the previous same record.
3819 The enterprise is not active.
3820 The year is before the enterprise start date.
3821 Error in finding the form.
3822 Error in finding the version.
3823 The carry forward amount is missing.
3824 The requested refund must not be negative.
3825 Error in finding an active VAT_rules record.
3826 Error in finding VAT_regist.
3827 The account activity start date should not be null.
3828 Unexpected 'VAT filer' type.
3829 Fatal error: sequence on assessment table.
3830 The tax account is closed for that period.
3831 The owner name should be entered.
3832 The deregistration other reason should be entered.
3833 The deregistration date should be entered.
3834 The deregistration reason should be entered.
3835 The registration id is mandatory when the include history is checked.
3836 The date should be > than the existing last registration change date.
3837 You must specify the language.
3838 The date(s) cannot be entered when the include history is selected.
3839 The head office establishment no. is incorrect.
3840 One head office establishment certificate must be produced.
3841 All certificates must be returned before the change can be made.
3842 Only one set of date range can be use for this report.
3843 You must insert a date range if you do not specify a TIN.
3844 The certificate status should be 'created'.
3845 The certificate status cannot be 'created'.
3846 The replace flag can only be checked with lost/destroyed certificate status.
3847 There is nothing to update.
3848 The ax account must be fully paid before closing.
3849 The tax account could not be closed before a required minimum months of activity.
3850 Error in finding the VAT taxpayer type.
3851 Error in getting the tip_no sequence.
3852 You cannot close an enterprise until a VAT registration has been ended.
3853 You cannot change a start date while a VAT registration is still active.
3854 You must change the VAT registration, in order to change the name of the enterprise.
3855 You cannot change an address while a VAT registration exists.
3856 You cannot close the head office.
3857 The tax division does not correspond to the tax division of this tax account.
3858 You cannot close the enterprise if the VAT certificate is not returned.
3859 You cannot change the establishment start date.
3860 You cannot delete the establishment while a VAT certificate is associated with it.
3861 You cannot change the establishment address while the VAT certificate is still active.
3862 A head office already exists.
3863 You cannot close an account that has an owing balance.
3864 You cannot close an account while aassessments have not been calculated.
3865 You cannot close an account while there are not assessed installments.
3866 You cannot create an account here.
3867 The tax account is closed.
3868 The refund already exists for the same tax account and tax period.
3869 The amount should be >= 0.
3870 The assessment with a requested refund and a printed notice is not valid.
3871 The request total refund amount should not be null.
3872 The request amount or approved amount should contain a value.
3873 The request total refund amount must be entered.
3874 The request total transfer amount should be <= than the request total refund amount.
3875 The total requested transfer amount is incorrect.
3876 The request total transfer amount or request refund voucher amount should be entered.
3877 You cannot delete because the assessment was created.
3878 You cannot delete assessments here, please use the delete assessment screen.
3879 The approved total transfer amount should be <= than the approved total refund amount.
3880 The total approved transfer amount is incorrect.
3881 The approved by and the approved date should both be entered.
3882 Error in finding the tax sub transaction.
3883 The credit source type should be entered for this transaction.
3884 This credit source type does not exist.
3885 You cannot reverse a transaction associated with an approved refund.
3886 You cannot find an approved credit refund.
3887 No approved refund voucher amount has been found to print the voucher.
3888 Error in getting the ref_voucher sequence.
3889 Please enter an assessment no. or a refund no.
3890 You cannot transfer from and to the same assessment.
3892 Either the document type or the letter type is required - not both.
3893 Enter a previous document type.
3894 Enter a previous letter type.
3895 Enter the start date.
3896 Enter a letter type.
3897 This document is not attached to a batch.
3898 This field must be entered.
3899 Please, enter the employment end date.
3900 The submitted amount must be entered.