Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 6101 to 6200

The following table displays error message codes from 6101 to 6200.

Message Code Description
6101 These approval fields are mandatory only in the case of reassessment.
6102 Invalid NIC: not existing among taxpayers and not registered in taxroll.
6103 It is a new employee for this employer. Please enter the starting date.
6104 The withholder cannot be the withholdee at the same time.
6105 The start date must be less than or equal to the taxation year specified above.
6106 Error in enmployee creation.
6107 Error in enmployment creation.
6108 The preapproval is needed only when the approved amount is entered.
6109 These approval fields are mandatory only when batch no. is not entered.
6110 The issue date must be entered.
6111 The To tax period is required for printing non-filing reminders.
6112 The turnover is required.
6113 This employee status is not valid.
6114 Both the start date and end date for the registration criteria must be entered.
6115 Both the start date and end date for the inactivity criteria must be entered.
6116 This taxpayer has more than one enterprise. Double-click on enterprise no. to select one.
6117 The To tax period is required for printing loss letters.
6118 Please enter a Due Date or a Due Date Interval and a Due Date Interval Type.
6119 The Due Date, Due Date Interval and Due Date Interval Type cannot all be entered.
6120 A value is entered in the Due Date Interval. You must also enter a value in the Due Date Interval Type.
6121 A value is entered in the Due Date Interval Type. You must also enter a value in the Due Date Interval.
6122 The tax type, tax division or dates must be entered to run this report.
6123 The approved amount must not exceed the requested amount.
6124 NIC or Registration Document no. must be entered.
6125 The number of shares entered is greater than the shares available.
6126 The VAT amount declared is greater than the VAT amount allowed. Please re-enter.
6127 The VAT amount declared is less than the VAT amount allowed. Do you want to keep it?
6128 The taxpayer still has arrears.
6129 There is a payment made against previous assessment. You cannot recreate another assessment notice.
6130 The previous not cashed notice with the same criteria were deleted.
6131 Problem: too many previous assessment notices exist.
6132 You must enter either a taxpayer no. or a payer's name. Not both.
6133 The previous assessment has payments against it. It cannot be deleted to create a new one.
6134 You must enter an establishment for this taxpayer.
6135 You cannot enter an establishment without an enterprise no.
6136 This account is inactive.
6137 The selected tax type is used only against a tax account.
6138 You must enter taxpayer no. since the assessment notice is against a tax account.
6139 Please, enter the due date.
6140 The entered due date is different from the today's date.
6141 The transaction date should not be greater than the today's date.
6142 You cannot enter a license base. The tax period start date is null.
6143 The total amount must be positive.
6144 You must enter either a taxpayer no. or a payer's name.
6145 Please enter a tax type, a tax account or a tax division.
6146 The annual turnover to should be greater or equal than the annual turnover from.
6147 The report name is mandatory.
6148 You must enter the receipt number.
6149 A received remittance or assessment already exists. No changes are allowed.
6150 The 'Amount Withheld' must be greater than 0.
6151 The amount on which to withhold should be >= 0.
6152 No specific tax set up has been found for the tax type and/or the year specified.
6153 This remittance is being captured by another user. Please, check out your document number.
6154 The employment start date cannot be greater than the declaration year.
6155 You must save the record before capturing the withholding details.
6156 The start date overlaps an existing employment record of this employee.
6157 More than one employment records have been found. Please, select one from the list of values.
6158 The fiscal year from must not be greater than the fiscal year to.
6159 The withheld tax type is required.
6160 You must enter the credited tax type first.
6161 Invalid letter no. for payment agreement letter type.
6162 Invalid letter no. for garnishment letter type.
6163 You cannot enter a registration end date if you are not deregistering a taxpayer.
6164 Please, enter a registration end date when deregistering a taxpayer.
6165 The balance to pay from is greater than the balance to pay to. Please re-enter.
6166 The taxpayer number or the payment agreement number must be entered.
6167 Please enter an agreement type.
6168 The agent number must be entered if the payment agreement type is a garnishment.
6169 A periodic payment must be entered.
6170 The maximum number of periodic payments allowed must be entered.
6171 You must specify a collection case before entering a tax account number.
6172 The payment frequency must be entered.
6173 The maximum number of payments has been reached. Please, increase the periodic payment or the maximum number of periodic payments.
6174 The package p121p is not set up to deal with the selected payment frequency.
6175 Error in the package ta27p. Please, contact your administration.
6176 An exception error occurs while executing ca72p.main_procedure called from package pa121. Please, contact your administration.
6177 You cannot transfer to the same licence based.
6178 You cannot transfer to the same licence based and taxable object.
6179 This batch is already submit.
6180 You must choose at least one of these check box of the fees.
6181 A row already exists with the same motor vehicle id. or start date.
6182 There is no recurent fee wich currently applies to this motor vehicle.
6183 You cannot create a suspension if the vehicle doesn't have a current registration.
6184 You cannot create a suspension before the vehicle plate assignment start date.
6186 Please change the status of the payment agreement to cancel or close the case.
6187 Payment agreement notices were created.