Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error message codes from 301 to 400

The following table displays error message codes from 301 to 400.

Message Code Description
307 Do you want to save this record?
308 This region already exists.
309 Do you really want to delete this record?
310 You cannot delete this region if a city exists.
311 Standard integrated government tax administration system.
329 The key is not valid in this context.
330 Query not allowed in this block.
336 This language description does not exist.
337 You annot delete an error description while a dependent error description exists.
338 No primary key row found for value in lang_no.
339 This row already exists with the same error message.
342 Query of employment must be in the context of a license base.
343 No row in the table system dual.
353 A row already exists with the same response code.
354 A row already exists with the same short description.
355 A row already exists with the same long description.
356 This language description does not exist.
357 A row already exists with the same language no. and short description.
358 A row already exists with the same description.
359 A row already exists with the same response code and language no.
360 A row already exists with the same other language description.
380 A row already exists with the same abbreviation.