Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 6401 to 6500

The following table displays error message codes from 6401 to 6500.

Message Code Description
6402 A row already exists with the same suffix.
6403 You cannot delete a suffix while a dependent plate assignment number exists.
6404 A row already exists with the same prefix.
6405 This plate prefix is restricted and cannot be used.
6407 A row already exists with the same plate prefix, plate number and plate suffix.
6408 You cannot delete this plate number because it's assigned to an owner.
6409 You cannot delete this plate number because it's assigned to a vehicle.
6410 You cannot generate plate numbers in the query mode.
6411 Please enter a valid plate prefix to generate a batch of plate numbers.
6412 The batch generation of plate numbers is not allowed for this plate prefix of type n/a.
6413 Please enter the range values correctly before pressing the Generate button.
6414 The range you have specified is not valid.
6415 At least one plate number in the range you specified has already been generated.
6416 You cannot enter a non-numeric plate number unless the plate prefix is n/a.
6417 No primary key row has been found for the value in plate suffix table.
6418 You cannot modify this plate suffix because the plate is already used by the owner.
6419 You cannot modify this plate suffix because the plate is already used by the vehicle with id.
6420 This record overlaps another with the same prefix, no. and plate suffix for another taxpayer.
6421 You cannot delete the plate number because it's used by a plate assignment.
6422 The plate no. should be entered.
6423 You cannot close the plate no. because it's used by a plate assignment. Please close the assignment plate before.
6424 This plate does not exist.
6425 The plate can be kept by the owner.
6426 Month after last registration or start date associated if not registered.
6427 Do you really want to close the association?
6428 This prefix does not exist. Please double click for the list of values.
6429 This plate no is already used.
6430 You cannot reverse the scrapped vehicle because the plate is assigned to another owner.
6435 This record overlaps with an existing record for the same tax type and license base.
6436 Error when trying to read the sequence payment_order_no_seq.
6439 A row already exists with the same order number.
6440 A row already exists with the same payment order.
6445 Please enter a rate class code.
6447 You must enter a vehicle type or a manufacturer before printing.
6448 You must enter a year higher or equal than 1380.
6449 You cannot delete a motor vehicle while a dependent motor vehicle registration no. exists.
6450 A row already exists with the same id.
6451 A row already exists with the same chassis no.
6452 A row already exists with the same id, plate no., prefix and start date.
6453 A row already exists with the same plate prefix, plate number, plate suffix and start date.
6454 This record overlaps with an existing record.
6455 The plate is not assigned to this owner at this date.
6456 This dealer does not exist.
6457 This manufacturer does not exist.
6458 Please select a motor vehicle.
6459 No vehicle was found with that registration number.
6460 No primary key row has been found for the value in the mv_man_id.
6461 No primary key row has been found for the value in the veh_typ_id.
6462 No primary key row has been found for the value in the mv_deal_id.
6463 You have to reverse the license with the start date.
6464 The registration date cannot be less than.
6465 Because a license begins at this date.
6466 Because a plate assignment begins at this date.
6467 Because an owner assignment begins at this date.
6468 Please make sure the plate assignment is closed before entering a retirement date.
6469 There is a pending transfer for this vehicle. Please delete the new owner association.
6470 You have to complete all information before saving.
6471 This prefix, plate no. or suffix does not exist.
6472 The query of a motor vehicle registration no. must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6474 You cannot delete a plate assignment while a dependent document exists.
6475 This plate number does not exist for the owner. Please use the list of values.
6476 This plate number is not related to the prefix. Please use the list of values.
6477 A row already exists with the same registration no. and start date.
6478 This date cannot be before the motor vehicle registration date.
6479 The taxable object does not exist in the taxable object table.
6480 Error pck_object.get_taxable_object_no_for_pr.
6481 You must specify the distributor invoice date when you enter a distributor invoice number.
6482 You must specify the distributor invoice number when you enter a distributor invoice date.
6483 You must specify the customer remittance date when you enter a customer remittance number.
6484 You must specify the customer remittance number when you enter a customer remittance date.
6485 This record overlaps with an existing record.
6486 For the same engine number and the same vehicle type. The chassis number is...
6487 You cannot reverse the scrapped vehicle because the plate is already used by another vehicle.
6496 You must assign an owner to the vehicle before printing the registration card.
6497 You must assign a plate number to the vehicle before printing the registration card.
6498 You cannot print the registration card when the vehicle is scrapped.
6499 You cannot print a duplicate registration card when the original registration card is not printed.