Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1501 to 1600

The following table displays error message codes from 1501 to 1600.

Message Code Description
1520 Unable to delete this letter. The documents are already printed.
1521 A row already exists with the same tax account, license base and registration date.
1522 This Based on does not exist.
1523 No primary key row has been found for the value in lic_base_no.
1524 The special rate should be less than the current rate.
1525 The end date must be greater than the registration date.
1526 The establishment does not pertain to the tax type.
1527 No primary key row has been found for the value in estab_no.
1528 You cannot delete a license base while a dependent document exists.
1529 Invalid establishment. Please re-enter.
1530 Enterprise was not open at this date.
1531 The establishment is already registered for this license base.
1532 The individual is already registered for this license base and establishment.
1533 No rate has been found for this base.
1534 Please enter the establishment to be registered for this license.
1540 Please press the "run report" button to "save" this remittance form.
1541 You cannot query from this form.
1542 Are you sure you want to delete the extension?
1543 This tax month and year do not exist.
1544 Select the type of taxpayer, either individual or enterprise.
1545 You must enter an enterprise before choosing an establishment.
1546 You cannot enter a licence base for this tax type.
1547 You must enter a taxpayer no.
1548 You must enter a tax type.
1549 Please press the "create forms" button to "save" these remittance forms.
1550 You must enter an establishment for this tax type.
1551 You cannot enter an establishment for this tax type.
1552 You must enter a form no.
1553 You must enter a tax period for this form no.
1554 You must enter a due date for this form no.
1555 You cannot print summary reports. The remittance forms have not yet been created.
1556 This enterprise does not exist.
1557 Error: unable to call the module.
1558 You must enter a license base for this tax type and period.
1559 You cannot submit again a job with these parameters today.
1560 You cannot use this license tax type for the tax period specified. No active license base has been found.
1561 No license base is active for this tax period.
1562 You must enter a tax period.
1563 The taxpayer is not registered for this license in the specified tax period.
1564 You must enter a submitted time for this date.
1565 You cannot enter a license base for this tax type.
1566 Unable to find this taxpayer fiscal year.
1567 The submitted time should be at least 20 minutes ahead of the current time.
1568 You must enter an end month for this tax period.
1569 Unable to find tax_account no.
1570 You cannot enter an end month for this tax period.
1571 This form cannot be printed by SIGTAS.
1572 Unable to find the individual enterprise name.
1573 Unable to find enterprise no.
1574 This establishment does not exist.
1575 This form does not exist.
1576 This tax account imposition base no. does not exist.
1577 Unable to find the individual name.
1578 No such license base is valid for this tax type and tax period.
1579 Unable to find the enterprise taxpayer no.
1580 This enterprise does not match this taxpayer.
1581 This taxpayer does not have an account for this tax type.
1582 This form and version do not exist.
1583 This address, name does not exist.
1584 The line suppression is not relevant to this form.
1585 The query of the license must be in the context of the tax account.
1586 This form has automatic line suppression, which cannot be overridden.
1587 A tax account no., or a taxpayer no. and tax type must be entered.
1588 Missing registered date.
1589 Please enter based on field before entering a rate.
1590 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent post-dated cheque exists.
1591 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent license exists.
1592 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent estimated installment amount exists.
1593 A remittance form has been printed before for this taxpayer and these criteria. Please print it.
1594 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent collection case exists.
1595 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent assessment exists.
1596 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent establishment exists.
1597 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent inactivity period exists.
1598 You cannot delete a tax account while a dependent documents exist. Please discard the documents.
1599 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no.and tax account no.
1600 You must enter the representative name before entering the representative city.