Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 4401 to 4500

The following table displays error message codes from 4401 to 4500.

Message Code Description
4401 Please select a taxpayer before inserting a new enterprise.
4420 The registration date must be entered.
4440 The deletion is not allowed: the employment records exist for this enterprise.
4441 The deletion is not allowed: the inactivity period records exist for this enterprise.
4442 The deletion is not allowed: the establishments exist for this enterprise.
4443 The deletion is not allowed: the ownership records exist for this enterprise.
4444 The deletion is not allowed: the tax accounts exist for this enterprise.
4445 You cannot delete a corporation while a dependent enterprise exists.
4446 The representative's TIN does not exist.
4447 Unable to find the juridical description of the enterprise.
4448 Unable to find the country name of the enterprise.
4449 The contact title is required.
4450 You are not authorized to use this system.
4451 The query of a corporation must be in the context of a taxpayer.
4452 The insertion of a corporation must be in the context of a taxpayer.
4453 Unable to find the language description of the taxpayer.
4454 The occupation, entreprise activity, number of employees, not audited since or line no. and amount must be entered.
4460 You must enter the name of the representative first.
4461 You cannot find the individual information for this representative.
4462 The chosen representative is deceased.
4463 Unable to find the zone description of the mailing address.
4464 Unable to find the taxpayer subtype of the taxpayer.
4480 The family name contact is required.
4481 The first name contact is required.
4500 The main trade name is required.