Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30001 to 30100

The following table displays error message codes from 30001 to 30100.

Message Code Description
30001 To assign documents, the batch must have the status «Creation» or «Open».
30002 A record must be selected to be able to %1 it.
30003 %1 document(s) will be withdrawn from the batch. Do you want to continue?
30004 To %1 documents, the batch must have the status «Create» or «Open».
30005 There are currently %1 elements associated with this batch. The field «%2» cannot be less than that number.
30006 The calculation of some remittances must be updated before continuing.
30007 All entered remittances were calculated.
30008 The remittance cannot be calculated if the abtch status is «%1».
30009 By reactivating this batch, the Decree and Role reports will be deleted and must be generated again.Do you want to continue?
30010 You must be in the "Écarts" section to generate the notice of assessment.
30011 The role report must be generated before generating the assessment notices. Please see the "Summary" section before printing the report.
30012 It is necessary that the Decree report be signed and for the Minister to indicate collection start date. The collection start date must be entered in the appropriate field in order to be able to generate the assessment notices.
30013 You must be in the "Summary" section to generate the report 1%.
30014 The report %1 is already printed. Before generating a new report, please delete the existing one.
30015 The Decree report must be generated and signed before generating the Role report. Please see the "Summary" section to print the Decree report.
30016 The Cabinet Order report must be printed and signed before entering the field "%1".
30017 Every assessment must be approved before generating the report.
30018 No remittance has been entered for this batch. Enter remittances before continuing.
30019 Every assessment notice have already been printed. There is no assessment notice left to print. The printed assessment notices should first be deleted in order to be reprinted.
30020 Only the assessment notices which have not yet been printed will be. The printed ones should first be deleted in order to be reprinted.
30021 The documents printing will produce %1 PDF (s). Do you want to continue?
30022 The value of the field "%1" must be unique.
30023 The value entered in the field "%1" must be a positive number.
30024 The field "%1" must contain a date that is greater than or equal to the current date.
30025 The email was not sent to taxpayer.
30026 The email was not sent to taxpayer.
30027 No document of type "%1" was generated for this taxpayer.
30028 %1 of the %2 remittances have been created, but not yet entered. Do you want to cancel them and recreate all remittances?
30029 For this exemption case, the field "End Date" must be entered. The date must be older or equal to the property "End Date" field.
30030 For this exemption case, the field "End Date" must be entered. The date must be older or equal to the exemption rule "End Date" field.
30031 This tax rate version cannot be deleted because it is associated to an exemption case or a property tax notice.
30032 A tax rule cannot be linked with more than one tax code for the same period.
30033 The field "%1" must be above or equal to field "%2" of the tax code.
30034 The field "%1" must be above or equal to field "%2" of the taxation rule.
30035 All batch items must be entered.
30036 The task no. %1 has been created to facilitate the printing of the assessment notices.
30037 The tax rule "%1" has the same criteria as this rule of taxation. There can be no overlap regarding periods.
30038 A batch must be selected.
30039 You are about to transfer %1 assessment(s) to the batch number %2. Do you want to continue?
30040 The value of field "%1" is invalid.
30041 This document may not be linked to this batch.
30042 No assessment can be reassessed for this taxpayer. Please, change your search criteria.
30043 This taxpayer cannot have an estimated assessment for any of his tax accounts. Please, change your search criteria.
30044 A value must be entered in the field "Version" to be able to delete it.
30045 The tax code must be saved before being linked with tax rules.
30046 The grouped algorithm variable must be saved before creating algorithm variables.
30047 The tax rate should be saved before linking an effective rate.
30048 The field %1 must be greater or equal to the field %2.
30049 The modification being made will likely have impacts on the assessment notices that have already been generated. You may have to regenerate some assessment notices. Do you want to continue with the changes?.
30050 Do you want to delete version %1?. If you delete this version, you will not be able to use it in a mass appraisal calculation. Do you want to continue with the deletion?.
30051 This association between the rule of taxation and the tax code cannot be deleted as assessment notices potentially use this association.
30052 This association between the rule of taxation and the tax code cannot be deleted as property exemption cases potentially use this association.
30053 You must have a flat tax or have at least one selected criterion.
30054 The field "%1" must be greater or equal to the field "%2".
30055 The field "%1" must be previous or equal to the field "%2".
30056 The field "%1" must contain a positive number.
30057 Certain exemption cases have a greater end date than the one you entered. The end date must be greater or equal to %1.
30058 Certain exemption cases are still open. You must close them before entering an end date.
30059 By closing this association between the tax code and tax this rule, you cannot change the different modifications. Do you want to continue?
30060 The modifications that are about to be made will likely have impacts on assessment notices that have already been produced. You may have to regenerate some assessment notices. Do you want to continue with the modifications?
30061 By closing this tax code, you close all existing associations between the tax code and tax rules. You cannot change this tax code and the different associations. Do you want to continue?
30062 The field "%1" must be previous to the field "%2".
30063 There can be no interweaving for the tax code.
30064 There can be more than one set of active argument at the same time.
30065 The field %1 must be previous to the today's date.
30066 The field "%1" must be greater or equal to the field "%2".
30067 By closing this tax rule, you close all existing associations between this rule of taxation and the tax code. You cannot change this rule of taxation and different associations. Do you want to continue?
30068 The value of field "%1" already exists for %2.
30069 This assessment is part of an active payment agreement. It cannot be reassessed.
30070 This assessment is part of a collection case. It cannot be reassessed.
30071 The tax period year does not match the batch year.
30072 The tax type does not match the batch tax type.
30073 The tax division does not match the batch tax division.
30074 The document is associated to a batch that you are not the operator.
30075 The document type "%1" cannot be used at this location.
30076 This remittance has currently the status "%1". It cannot be used.
30077 This remittance uses consolidated forms. Consolidated forms cannot be pre-assigned to a batch.
30078 The assessment cannot be transferred since the count of assessments linked with the batch is higher than the maximum allowed.
30079 The batch must have at least %1 items entered to continue.
30080 This assessment is subject to a reassessment to which the notice was generated. For more details refer assessment %1.
30081 This assessment is part of a collection case. There can be no reassessment.
30082 This assessment is part of an active payment agreement. There can be no reassessment.
30083 The tax account is linked with the closed assessment. There can be no reassessment.
30084 A value must be selected in the field "Job type" in order to generate some document in batch.
30085 You don't have the proper right to generate this type of document in batch.
30086 There is no document to print.
30087 SIGTAS cannot continue because the functionality "%1" is not supported.
30088 A reassessment has been done. The new assessment has the number %1.
30089 The assessment is based on a role date. You must associate this assessment to a batch.
30090 The document reception date must be later than the establishment start date in the tax account.
30091 A payment has been received for this assessment. Do you want to modify the field "%1" in order to change the date for the payment date?
30092 No exchange rate has been configured for the value captured in the field "%1".
30093 The field "%1" is mandatory.
30094 This assessment is currently being audited. The field "%1" cannot be "Taxpayer".
30095 The initial assessment is a reassessment made after an audit case. The field "%1" cannot be "Taxpayer".
30096 The initial assessment is subject to an opened objection case. The field "%1" must have the value "%2".
30097 The assessment notice has already been generated. You must create a reassessment to add a penalty.
30098 A reassessment exist for this assessment. To add a penalty use the assessment %1.
30099 The assessment notice has already been generated. You must create a reassessment to delete a penalty.
30100 The application request was rejected. Duplicate found: %1, %2.