Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 3501 to 3600

The following table displays error message codes from 3501 to 3600.

Message Code Description
3502 You must have a %1.
3503 You must have a last name.
3504 The primary contact will be deleted.
3505 The sublevel should be exonerated when the activity is exempt.
3506 This document does not belong to the selected taxpayer.
3507 This document has already been used for a request %1.
3508 This taxpayer failed validations. Do you wish to proceed and bypass validations?
3509 This taxpayer passed validations with success. Do you want to reject this request?
3510 This taxpayer already has an active certificate. Do you wish to print duplicate?
3511 The first tax division is not defined. Please revise in maintain tax division.
3512 The master country is not defined correctly. Please revise in maintain country specific.
3513 Please select an %1 before pressing this button.
3514 The reception date must be the same as the batch created date.
3515 This %1 already exists.
3516 This document does not belong to the selected request type.
3517 This taxpayer is exempted. Please attach an exemption letter to this document type.
3518 The decease date must be greater than the enrollment date.
3519 The Individual's Deceased Date has been updated.
3520 This assessment has a refund. This assessment cannot be deleted.
3521 The received date must not be earlier than the received rate (Incomplete).
3522 The received date (Incomplete) not allowed when the received date already has a value.
3523 Either the delivered date, the received date, or the received date (Incomplete) must be entered.
3524 %1 cannot be equal or greater than %2.
3525 This taxpayer is a resident or not?
3526 Do you want to change the main contact?
3527 If entering info about a received document, capture both the date received and the person who received it.
3531 This batch cannot be closed because at least one assessment has not been calculated.
3533 Payment type description.
3534 No external document has been found.
3535 The first character of the document no. must be a letter.
3539 This association cannot be deleted because some exemption case is using this exemption rules.
3540 Please select the bank name.
3541 You cannot transfer - the taxpayer has an open audit case.
3542 You cannot transfer - the taxpayer has an open objection case.
3543 You cannot transfer - the taxpayer has an open collection case.
3544 You cannot transfer - the taxpayer is in a payment agreement.
3545 The transfer process is finished.
3546 The procedure Transfer_Tax_Payer has raised an exception.
3547 The taxpayer has not been transferred. Please press the Transfer First button.
3548 The Year From can be set only one year before the system date.
3549 There can only be one group for the same tax type and same line total type.
3550 The gaps or overlaps in version years configuration are not allowed.
3551 The carry-forward group name already exists.
3552 A row already exists with the same first and last name.
3553 Please enter the cheque no.
3554 The establishment start date must be in the context of the enterprise start date.
3555 The establishment end date must be greater than the establishment start date.
3556 The establishment end date must be greater than the enterprise start date.
3557 The establishment start date must be in the context of the enterprise close date.
3558 Some exemption case are still open. You must close them all in order to be able to enter an End Date.
3559 %1 must be earlier than %2.
3560 Overlapping is not allowed for the Tax Law.
3561 Some exemption case have an End Date greater than the one you have enter. The End Date must be greater or equal to %1.
3562 You must have either a unique tax rate or a criteria selected.
3563 The Tax Rule cannot be associated to more than one Tax Law for the same period.
3564 There cannot be more than one group of argument active at the same time.
3565 Not all associations are closed. Please, close it before.
3566 A version must be selected in the field "Version" in order to delete it.
3567 By closing this Tax Law, you are closing all existing associations between this Tax Law and the Tax Rules. You won't be able to modify this Tax Law and the different associations.
3568 Do you want to pursue with the changes?
3569 By closing the association between this Tax Law and this Tax Rule, you won't be able to modify any information.
3570 By closing this Tax Rule, you are closing all existing associations between this Tax Rule and the Tax Law. Once this Tax Rule is closed, you won't be able to modify any information.
3571 The Tax Rule "%1" has the same criteria as this tax rule. There cannot be overlapping period.
3572 You cannot delete a Tax Law while a dependent association exists.
3573 The algorithm variable group must be saved prior to create some algorithm variables.
3574 The document identifier must begin with a letter.
3575 The tax account has not been found.
3576 You have to enter a tax division.
3577 The rate zone of enterprise has not been found.
3578 Please select a tax type before selecting an imposition base.
3579 There is no imposition base defined for %1.
3580 You need the task %1 to modify this field.
3581 You cannot modify this field while this taxpayer has opened tax accounts.
3582 The close date is earlier than the registration date. Please, re-enter.
3583 You cannot modify this field while this taxpayer has opened individual enterprises.
3584 The date of death is earlier than the birth date. Please, re-enter.
3585 The date of death is greater than today's date. Please, re-enter.
3586 You cannot re-open a deceased individual's tax account.
3587 You cannot re-open a closed enterprise's tax account.
3588 You cannot create an individual enterprise for a deceased individual.
3589 You can only select the cashier name or the payment location before running this report.
3590 The bank is not registered in SIGTAS.
3591 %1 is not accepted from this taxpayer. Please select another payment type to continue.
3592 The tax law must be saved prior to assign some tax rule to it.
3593 The tax rate must be saved prior to associate an effective rate.
3594 This rate version is being used by an exemption case or demand notice. Therefore it cannot be deleted.
3595 Only the TIN of an individual can be used in this field.
3596 The tax form must be specified.
3597 The modification that you are trying to make will have some potential on some Demand Notice that has been already generated. You will have to reassess some Demand Notice.
3598 We cannot have more than one time the same effective date for a flat rate.
3599 Do you want to delete the version %1? If you remove this version, you won't be able to use it in any valuation algorithm.
3600 The Rate Type cannot be changed to "Flat" if more than one detail record exists.