Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Approve an inactivity period case

This part of the guide explains how to approve an inactivity period case.

Once the approval of the inactive period case is confirmed, its status changes to Approved.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Inactivity Period Cases

  1. Go to the Tax Account module;
  2. Choose the Inactivity Periods menu. This action opens the List of Inactivity Period Cases page (503:2006);

Step 2 - Approve an inactivity period case

  1. Search the inactivity period case to approve;
  2. Click the hyperlink of the Case No. subject of the request. This action opens the pop-up window Inactivity Period Case;
  3. Click the Approve button. This action opens a Warning window;
  4. Click the Yes button. This action confirms the approval of the inactivity period, changes the status to Approved and updates the List of Inactivity Period Cases page (503:2006).