Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 3301 to 3400

The following table displays error message codes from 3301 to 3400.

Message Code Description
3301 This description does not exist.
3302 This assessment has been audited. It cannot be deleted.
3303 This assessment has a collection case against it and cannot be deleted.
3304 The assessment notice has been printed. It cannot be deleted.
3305 This assessment has been reassessed. It cannot be deleted.
3306 A refund has been paid out on this assessment. It cannot be deleted.
3307 This assessment has payments against it. It cannot be deleted.
3308 The suppression of this assessment has been successful.
3309 This assessment number does not exist. Enter a new assessment number.
3318 Payment values do not add up to total.
3319 Please enter a reason in the field Cancel/Close Reason.
3320 The status is cancelled/closed. Please enter the close date.
3321 This registration name, first name, last name does not exist.
3322 This new payment agreement no. does not exist.
3323 This payment status description does not exist.
3324 This tax employee first name, last name does not exist.
3325 This payment frequency does not exist.
3326 This payment authorization description does not exist.
3327 You cannot delete a payment agreement while a dependent tax transaction exists.
3328 You cannot delete a payment agreement while a dependent document exists.
3329 The taxpayer number is not updatable.
3330 This collection case no does not exist.
3333 This bank account no. already exists.
3338 The employee first name and last name must be entered.
3339 You cannot delete a payment agreement while a dependent payment agreement exists.
3340 Invalid payment frequency type. Please re-enter.
3341 Invalid authority. Please re-enter.
3342 Invalid status. Please re-enter.
3343 Invalid agreement type.
3344 Please enter after payment agreement is signed.
3345 Updates not allowed.
3346 Invalid amount: total must not be less than the initial amount.
3347 Invalid amount: total must not be less than the periodic payments.
3348 Invalid amount: total must be greater than the last payment.
3349 Invalid amount: must not be greater than the total.
3350 Invalid amount: should be greater than the last payment.
3351 Invalid amount: should not be greater than the total payment.
3352 Invalid last payment: should be less than the periodic payments.
3353 The last payment should not be less than the total payment.
3354 The first date should be before the review date.
3355 The first date should be after the agreement date.
3356 The review date should be after the first date.
3357 Please change status of payment agreement to close case.
3358 The agreement date cannot be greater than the close date.
3359 The taxpayer is not registered for this tax type. Please re-enter.
3360 Invalid number of periods. Please re-enter.
3361 Invalid taxpayer no. or agent does not belong to collection case.
3362 This payment agreement does not exist.
3363 This collection case does not have an amount to pay, so a payment agreement cannot be calculated.
3364 There is currently a payment agreement in effect for this tax account and collection case.
3365 No query fields entered. The query will bring up all payment agreements.
3366 The last due date is earlier than first due date.
3367 The first due date is required, since there is a last due date.
3368 The first due date is required.
3369 The last due date is required, since there is a first due date.
3370 The taxpayer has no payment agreement.
3371 No tax type/s existswithin the payment agreement for this taxpayer.
3372 No tax types exist within the payment agreements.
3373 The tax type is not relevant in producing payment notices for a given payment agreement.
3374 The payment agreement is closed.
3375 The payment agreement was canceled.
3376 The payment agreement has been revised.
3377 The payment agreement is not authorized.
3378 No payment agreement/s exists for this tax account.
3379 No payment agreement exists for this taxpayer.
3380 The last due date is required.
3381 The first due date is required.
3382 The due dates are required.
3383 The payment agreement no. is required for this taxpayer.
3384 The submitted time is not relevant in producing payment notices for a single taxpayer.
3385 The payment agreement no. is required.
3386 The due dates are not relevant in producing the initial payment notices.
3387 The documents created in job no.
3388 The payment agreement notice was sent to your default printer.
3389 The payment agreement notices were sent to your default printer.
3390 Unable to call the module.
3391 No payment agreement notice has been created.
3392 Do you want to print job details?
3393 The marriage date must be entered.