Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1301 to 1400

The following table displays error message codes from 1301 to 1400.

Message Code Description
1301 The insertion of the license rate must be in the context of the license base.
1302 The start date must not be before the license base start date.
1303 Please enter the start date.
1304 The end date must be greater than the start date.
1305 A row already exists with same the license rate no.
1306 Please enter the tax year.
1307 Please enter an i.r.d. Form no.
1308 The most recent version will be automatically selected.
1309 This form has no registered versions.
1310 This form no. does not exist.
1311 The query of an assessment notice layout must be in the context of the form version.
1312 The insertion of an assessment notice layout must be in the context of the form version.
1313 This text does not exist.
1314 This letter does not exist.
1315 This record already exists with the same values.
1316 Only one assessment notice of each type may be attached.
1317 No primary key row has been found for the value in letter_no.
1318 A row already exists with same letter no., version no. and form no.
1319 The last end date for the criteria must not be null.
1320 Please enter the tax type.
1321 The query of the license base must be in the context of the tax type.
1322 The insertion of the license base must be in the context of the tax type.
1323 A row already exists with same tax type, based on and start date.
1324 The end date must not be less than the start date.
1325 Create is not allowed in this block.
1326 This base is no longer in effect. The records cannot be added.
1327 This establishment cannot be registered to this tax account. The tax type is not based on this establishment.
1328 To register the establishement that will operate a license, please use the license screen.
1329 The query of the tax establishment must be in the context of the tax account.
1330 The insertion of the tax establishment must be in the context of the tax account.
1331 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no., tax type no., establishment no. and registration date.
1332 There is currently a rate in effect.
1333 The start date must be greater than the last period end date.
1334 The current rate for this base must be ended first.
1335 The end date must not be before the end date of this base last rate.
1336 The start date must be greater than the end date of this base last record.
1337 This base is already present.
1338 A row already exists with the same tax type no, based on and start date.
1339 A row already exists with the same license base no.
1340 You cannot delete a license base while a dependent rate exists.
1341 You cannot delete a license base while a dependent tax account exists.
1342 A tax account no., or a TIN and tax type must be entered.
1343 You must enter a tax type.
1344 You must enter a TIN.
1345 This enterprise is already registered for this tax type.
1346 The end date must be later than the registration date.
1347 The end date must not be later than today's date.
1348 This establishment does not belong to this taxpayer.
1349 The registration date cannot be after today's date.
1350 Please enter the registration date before the end date.
1351 The registration date must be greater than the end date of this establishment last record.
1352 This date is invalid. It must not be before the tax account registration date.
1353 The registration date cannot be after the end date.
1354 The marriage end date must be earlier to the current date.
1355 The marriage end date must be later than the birth date.
1356 The marriage end date must be earlier to the decease date.
1357 The marriage end date must be later than the marriage date.
1358 The marriage end date must be later than the separation date.
1359 The marriage date must be earlier to the current date.
1360 The marriage date must be later than the date of birth.
1361 The marriage date must be earlier to the decease date.
1362 The marriage date must be earlier to the marriage end date.
1363 The marriage date must be earlier to the separation date.
1364 The separation date must be earlier to the current date.
1365 The separation date must be later than the birth date.
1366 The separation date must be earlier to the decease date.
1367 The separation date must be later than the marriage date.
1368 The separation date must be earlier to the marriage end date.
1369 Please enter at least one other field before querying.
1370 The TIN cannot be updated.
1371 The document screen is already open. Please exit this screen to use.
1372 You cannot delete a file while a dependent file exit exists.
1373 You cannot delete a file while a dependent document exists.
1374 A row already exists with the same file no.
1375 This taxpayer has already a file for the data entered. File No. = %1.
1376 This center already has a general file.
1377 This tax account does not exist.
1378 This centre is not registered for this centre.
1379 This tax type does not exist.
1380 Invalid year. It must be the current year or before.
1389 You cannot delete the tax period date base while a dependent tax period exists.
1390 A row already exists with the same tax period date base description.
1392 A row already exists with the same tax period date other base description.
1393 A row already exists with the same tax period date base no.
1394 A taxpayer no. is required.
1395 No taxpayer exists with this tax_payer_no.
1396 This taxpayer has no tax account/s.
1397 This taxpayer does not exist.
1398 You cannot delete the tax period type while a dependent tax period exists.
1399 A row already exists with the same tax period type description.
1400 This first name and last name does not exist.