Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9301 to 9400

The following table displays error message codes from 9301 to 9400.

Message Code Description
9301 No installment for tax amounts less than the specified minimum.
9302 Invalid Tax Payer No/Batch Job No.
9303 Installment payments not required or Installment frequency not set for this Installment year.
9304 The installment month has not been found.
9305 Unexpected tax period type.
9306 This installment month/range already exists.
9307 The selected tax division for this tax account is different from taxpayer's tax division. Would you like to continue?
9308 If checked, all penalties/interest applied before the reassessment are waived. The filing due date is the current date + the value in Reassessment Grace Period (Days)' field.
9309 Relates to 'Reassessment Reverses all Previous Penalties/Interests' flag.
9310 You need the task " 15 - query all audit " to view this audit case as it it is not assigned to you.
9311 You need the task " 13 -approve auditors " to modify the officers block.
9312 You need the task "14 - record audit progress" to modify the audit case steps.
9313 You need the task " 12 - register audit info " to modify audit case informations.
9314 At least one of the flags: %1 must be checked.
9315 Enter one delayed application either in months or in days (not both).
9316 Un-freezing amount for refund: %1.
9317 Freezing amount for refund: %1.
9318 Transferred from refund %1 to tax account %2.
9319 Transferred from refund %1 of tax account %2.
9320 Reversal transferred from tax account. %1-Refund-%2.
9321 The tax division or tax period should be selected in order to reduce the execution time of the report. Do you want to continue?
9322 The taxpayer must have an open tax account of the same tax type as the group tax account, but suspended.
9323 You cannot choose the holder of the main tax account.
9324 The creation mode is not available for this batch type. Please modify status to another status.
9325 You cannot use this screen.
9326 This enterprise cannot be selected because it does not have any contacts.
9327 The batch no must be specified.
9328 This %1 has already been assigned to the batch number %2.
9329 This audit group is already closed. Please select another one.
9330 The revised values have been entered for one or more lines and will be replaced with the previous values. Do you wish to continue?
9331 You do not have the right to set this remittance to suspicious.
9332 You do not have the right to revert a suspicious remittance to not suspicious.
9333 This record overlaps with an existing record for the same line total type.
9334 The total captured is lower than the amount to distribute. Do you wish to continue?
9335 The total captured is higher than the amount to distribute. Do you wish to continue?
9336 Please enter an end date for each step before closing the case.
9338 The taxpayer's tax center has not the task manage tax account.
9339 The internal comment is mandatory if the checkbox 'Suspicious Return' is checked.
9341 This document is not part of this batch.
9342 The payment transactions exist with this rate. Please use the field "Modified Rate" to update the value and recalculate existing payments.
9343 The establishment's start date should be later than the enterprise's start date.
9344 Distribute by is mandatory.
9346 You must select a file to upload.
9347 You cannot send correspondence to an unactivated main representative. Please review the end date.
9348 The tax account part of the group must be the same type as the grouping tax account.
9349 The taxpayer of the grouping account and the taxpayer of the tax account part of the group, must be different.
9350 The tax account must be open and no longer suspended, when entering an end date.
9351 The tax account must be open and suspended before being registered as part of the group.
9352 The allocation period to date must be greater than or equal to the allocation period from date.
9353 You have changed status of transactions but you didn't commit decision. Do you want to continue?
9354 This will filter the objection's tax division.
9355 Please verify and commit the decisions.
9356 Please enter a transaction status.
9357 You currently cannot manage batches. Your assigned tax division must have task 'Manage Assessments and Installments'.
9359 Only users having the right to execute task %1 can modify other passwords.
9360 The password must have at least %1 characters.
9361 The password must have at least one letter.
9362 The password must have at least one number.
9363 You have the right to execute task "%1", but you do not have the Oracle rights to modify other passwords.
9365 You need at least one of the following tasks for this screen: (36) Approve Manual Transaction or (37) Approve Transfer Transaction.
9366 You currency cannot be deleted because it has been used in payment transactions.
9367 You currency cannot be deleted because it is selected as the national currency.
9368 You must enter a batch year before selecting a tax type.
9369 This assessment cannot be associated to this batch.
9370 This query may take longtime to generate results. Are you sure you do not want to add filters?
9371 Please enter a valid date format. E.g. DDMMYYYY.
9372 The year should be between %1 and %2.
9373 The week should be in range of 1 to 5.
9374 Either a payment or an assessment can be registered at a time.
9375 "%1" or "%2" must be entered.
9376 You must select a data import type.
9377 The table name missing for this configuration.
9378 %1 is missing.
9379 You need an approval right on table %1 in order to approve %2.
9380 Invalid %1 date format.
9381 This record already exists in %1.
9382 An assessment and payment data has been found on the same line.
9384 Duplicate assessment/payment records are not allowed.
9385 Invalid combination of amount and date. Both must exist for a payment or an assessment.
9386 You must have the task delete record imported from file to delete imported records.
9387 This record has already been loaded.
9388 The record must contain a payment or an assessment. Not both.
9389 If you switch the tab, the registered address will be replaced. Do you want to continue?
9390 You must choose national address or international address or cancel.
9391 Delimiter %1 has been found while %2 was expected.
9392 Indicate the date at which the rule will be start to be effective.
9393 Indicate the date at which the rule will stop being effective.
9394 Character that will be used to separate fields contained in the file.
9395 Format that will be used in file for dates.
9396 Indicate the number of records to be loaded before committing to the SIGTAS database.
9397 If the value file is selected, it means that SIGTAS loads the data from a flat file. If the value table is selected, it means that the transactions are loaded directly from a SIGTAS temporary table.
9398 For files located on the SIGTAS's server, choose Server Side. For files located on the local user hard drive, choose Client Side.
9399 An international mailing address has already been entered and will be removed since the taxpayer is now resident. Do you want to continue? Y/N.
9400 The address will be copy from the following location: