Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Add ID documents

This part of the guide explains how to add ID documents. It's the second step of the non-individual enterprise application process.

Step 1 - Go to the ID Documents popup window

  1. Click the Add button. This action opens the ID Documents popup window;

Step 2 - Add ID documents

  1. Use the dropdown list to choose the ID Type,if required;
  2. Enter the ID Doc No.;
  3. Click the Add button. This action opens the Upload popup window;

  1. Click on the Choose file button;
  2. Select the file from your computer then click on the Load button;

  1. Click the Save button. This action confirms the addition of the ID document and updates the ID Documents page (the train navigation button turns green);
  2. Click the Next button to access the following step: Add a branch.