Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 7201 to 7300

The following table displays error message codes from 7201 to 7300.

Message Code Description
7201 Will the field be accessible in the screen?
7202 Will the field be mandatory in the screen?
7203 Use if you want to define items where at least one have to be mandatory. Pair them with the same number or letter.
7204 Use if you want to validate the length of the value : e:5 = exactly 5 ; l:6 = at least 6 ; m:10 = max 10 ; b:3-9 = between 3 and 9.
7206 Enter the enterprise fiscal no.
7207 Double-click for a list of values.
7208 Double-click for a list of values.
7209 Enter the date that this inactive period ends. DD-MM-YYYY.
7210 Enter a value for this first name.
7211 The number of the job. Computer generated sequential number.
7212 Enter a value for the TIN.
7213 Enter a value for the VAT registration ID.
7214 Enter the mobile No.
7215 Enter a value for the VAT registration start date.
7216 Enter a value for the last registration change date.
7217 Enter the tax account.
7218 Enter a value for the account activity start date.
7219 Enter a value for the VAT registration end date.
7220 Enter a value for the external document No.
7121 Enter a value for the account activity end date.
7222 Enter a value for the new registered name.
7223 Enter a value for the new trade name.
7224 Enter a value for the VAT taxpayer type.
7225 Enter a value for the certificate status.
7226 Internal establishment no. (table key).
7227 Enter a value for the VAT certificate no.
7228 Check the box if replace.
7229 Enter a value for the expire date.
7230 Check the box if it is the Head Office.
7231 Include history.
7232 Enter a certificate no.
7233 Enter a revoke reason.
7234 Enter a document no.
7235 Enter the date of the payment.
7236 Enter the tax account no. against which the payment is to be recorded.
7237 Enter the first/last name of the taxpayer or the official registered name of the taxpayer enterprise.
7238 Enter the description of the tax type against which the payment is to be made. Please double-click for the list of values.
7239 Enter the description of the tax division.
7240 Enter the taxpayer last name if the taxpayer's tax account cannot be located.
7241 Enter the taxpayer first name if a the taxpayer's tax account cannot be located.
7242 The date on which this transaction is to be entered in the system.
7243 The payment agreement no. of this payment agreement document.
7244 Enter the reference no. for the bank interface.
7245 Enter the payment location. Please double-click for the list of values.
7246 Enter the payment type. Please double-click for the list of values.
7247 Enter the reference no.
7248 Enter the bank name of the cheque. Please double-click for the list of values.
7249 The current account balance for this taxpayer's tax type.
7250 Enter the total amount being paid by the taxpayer.
7251 The updated balance of the taxpayer's account after payment is made.
7252 Enter a brief comment if necessary.
7253 Enter a Y for payment against Opening Arrears balances or N for payment against current balances.
7254 Enter the year of the tax period.
7255 Enter the month of the tax period. Please double-click for the list of values.
7256 Enter the type of charge. Please double-click for the list of values.
7257 Enter the establishment name. Please double-click for the list of values.
7258 Enter the taxable object.
7259 Enter the tax type license base. Please double-click for the list of values.
7260 The total tax being owed by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7261 The total tax being paid by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7262 The total penalties being owed by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7263 The total penalties paid by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7264 The total interest being owed by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7265 The total interest being paid by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7266 The total installment being owed by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7267 The total installment being paid by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7268 The total tax, penalty & interest being owed by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7269 The total tax, penalty & interest being paid by the taxpayer for this transaction type.
7270 Enter the creation date of the final version of form. Please double-click to view the date.
7271 Enter the date from which this form will start being used.
7272 If unchecked when printing a batch of assessment notices, a notice is not printed for an assessment with a balance at zero.
7273 Check the box if no remittance forms are to be printed by SIGTAS.
7274 Enter a tax type if another tax type is used as installments for this tax type. A list of values is available.
7275 Select the type of assessment notice to be printed for this version.
7276 Enter the form title.
7277 Enter the tax type. A list of values is available.
7278 Select the type of remittance notice to be printed for this version.
7279 Check the box if the tax type needs a remittance to produce an assessment. Uncheck it for tax types that produce an immediate assessment.
7280 Enter the line that appears on the declaration form.
7281 Enter the order that the lines will be calculated.
7282 Enter the type of line. A list of values is available.
7283 Choose Y if the line is to be printed on assessment notice.
7284 Enter the special line type. A list of values is available.
7285 Enter the label of the line to be printed on the declaration form.
7286 Enter the type of value. A list of values is available.
7287 Enter the first value of this line.
7288 Enter the type of operator. A list of values is available.
7289 Enter the second value of this line.
7290 Enter a brief description of the form.
7291 The external IRD form no.
7292 A unique number is assigned to each version of a form.
7293 A unique number is assigned to each tax period.
7294 Double-click to open a list of values.
7295 Enter the year of the tax period.
7296 Enter the month of the tax period.
7297 Enter the week of the tax period.
7298 Enter the last day of this tax period: DD-MM-YYYY.
7299 Enter the due date for this tax period: DD-MM-YYYY.
7300 Enter the days between the fiscal year end date and the due date.